Security of the ego
Security of the ego
Most of our relationships are shelters of fear. We stay in the relationship because we do not want change, because the relationship makes us feel in an illusory security. It is a security of the ego.
We struggle to keep in one way or another elements of the past in ourselves and in the other. It is the ego's natural tendency to preserve structures of reality, even when this becomes a pain-generating struggle.
A true conscious relationship assumes, on both sides, the permanent transformation, the incessant rediscovery of the other and of one's own identity, the flow, which is a fundamental attribute of the Being. Thus, the conscious relationship is a dance of life that knows no freezing. Love, truth, authenticity, unceasing creation, the intrinsic joy of existence, all these and many more, accompany any relationship that tends to Consciousness. (Horia Francisc-Țurcanu)
Most of our relationships are shelters of fear. We stay in the relationship because we do not want change, because the relationship makes us feel in an illusory security. It is a security of the ego.
We struggle to keep in one way or another elements of the past in ourselves and in the other. It is the ego's natural tendency to preserve structures of reality, even when this becomes a pain-generating struggle.
A true conscious relationship assumes, on both sides, the permanent transformation, the incessant rediscovery of the other and of one's own identity, the flow, which is a fundamental attribute of the Being. Thus, the conscious relationship is a dance of life that knows no freezing. Love, truth, authenticity, unceasing creation, the intrinsic joy of existence, all these and many more, accompany any relationship that tends to Consciousness. (Horia Francisc-Țurcanu)
simona › Woow!
Marinche80 › Interesting article ?
simona › Interesant, ne determina sa ne redescoperim!
Abelin › interesant!
Strabunica013 › Thanks for visiting and comments, dear friends ! ??? @simona @Marinche80 @simona @Abelin
Marinche80 › wow, amazing article
theend › ❤