By Nevena83
6 years ago

Rolled chicken in bacon

A recipe that will kick you off your feet. This is one of my favorite recipes when the chicken is in question.
Ingredients Quantity
Chicken white meat 400 g
mustard 2 teaspoons
dry spice for taste
ham 8 rolls
grated cheese 100 g
bacon 4-8 shit
How to prepare

Sprinkle the meat with a kitchen hammer, then place it on a stretchy foil. Melt the chicken with mustard, spice, put the ham and stewed cheese.
With the help of the foil, troll the meat, then put it on bacon and wrap it.
Fry the meat in the dish, first on the side where the bacon is, and then from the other sides. Serve warm with the attachment as desired.
It can be rice, potatoes or some pasta. Or you can eat only with some salad.
6 years
Melsdename Omg I love it.
6 years
6 years
maca1 Odličen izbor ??
6 years
6 years
dorageorg Nice!
6 years
6 years
6 years
6 years
Nevena83 @maca1 hvaaalaaa?
6 years
6 years
6 years
6 years
Nevena83 @maca1 nema nam @soncee,sta li se desava?
6 years
6 years
carmen3521 Delicious recipe!
6 years
6 years
Justin ????
6 years
6 years
maca1 Neznam i ja se čudim uvjek je bila tu svaki dan i mene nedostaje @soncee ??
6 years
6 years
Nevena83 @carmen3521 thank you?
6 years
6 years
6 years
6 years
Nevena83 @maca1 da bas fali ,valjda je sve u redu☹️
6 years
6 years
maca1 Nadam se da je dobro ali mene je mnogo dosadno ovde da nisi i ti ovde i jas bi otišla jer nema komunikaciju sa ostalih umesto da komuniciraju samo šalju što više fotke
6 years
6 years
Nevena83 @maca1 da,to sam primetila,nekako smo nas 3 uvek bile najaktivnije i nekako smo i pricali o svemu,a sad se bas oseti tisina
6 years
6 years
maca1 Pa to je i suština da komuniciramo i us to i zaradimo i mene se uopšte ne sviđa ova tišina
6 years
6 years
Nevena83 @maca1 bas tako. Samo da ti najavim da ne bezis sutra,posto cu biti odsutna ceo dan jer idem za Bg da sredim pasos,ali verujem da cu stici uvece da se javim. Tako da ne pomislis da sam i ja otisla?
6 years
6 years
maca1 E bas ti hvala jer zaista bi pomislila da si i ti otišla ??
6 years
6 years
maca1 Radujem se zbog tebe da češ imat novu vešmašinu Sretan put draga !!!?????
6 years
6 years
Nevena83 @maca1 ?zato sam ti najavila odsustvo ?,mozda sunasce dodje sutra pa ti pravi drustvo i onda ulecem i ja i pravimo zurku ??
6 years
6 years
maca1 E to bi bilo super ??yes
6 years
6 years
Nevena83 @maca1 daaa??
6 years
6 years
Deliana Mmm, looking delicious! Thank you for sharing, my dear! ???
6 years
6 years
kavinitu So delicious food
6 years
6 years
Nevena83 @Deliana welcome??
6 years
6 years
Nevena83 @kavinitu thank you?
6 years
6 years
Violeta Very nice article
6 years
6 years
Nevena83 @Violeta hvaaalaaa???
6 years
6 years
frenchqueen Looks delicious but can’t eat it.
6 years
6 years
ze2000 look's tasty, I might try to make it
6 years
6 years
Nevena83 @ze2000 thank you?
6 years
6 years
Nevena83 @frenchqueen thank you?
6 years