By Strabunica013
5 years ago

Reasons to consume sesame seeds

The history of sesame as a medicine begins about 4,000 years ago, in ancient Egypt, Babylon and Assyria. Women in the Babylonian empire used a mixture of honey and sesame seeds (halva) to prolong youth and beauty, and Romanian soldiers ate the mixture for strength and energy. Susanus is grown in India, Burma and China, Greece and southern Italy. Sesame seeds come in a variety of colors, from white to yellow, red to blue, purple or black, depending on the nutritional content of each:
- white sesame is used to treat calcium deficiency,
- the red one is used for iron deficiency,
- black sesame produces the best oil used for different medicinal purposes.
Sesame seeds contain 5% water, 50% fat, 25% carbohydrates and the remaining 20% protein. Some of the minerals present in sesame seeds are: calcium, phosphorus, zinc, selenium, potassium, copper and magnesium and vitamins: B (B1, B2, B3, B5, B6), vitamin A, vitamin E, zinc, manganese, copper and tryptophan. Sesame seeds also contain oleic acid and linoleic acid (omega 3), two compounds with protective properties of the heart and cardiovascular system. It is recommended to consume two tablespoons of sesame seeds daily. To strengthen and cleanse the body, consume 15-20 g of powder prepared from seeds, with a little water, three times a day, 10-15 minutes before the meal. Here are some of the benefits of sesame seeds:
They are richer in calcium than milk:
-1/4 cup of raw sesame seeds = 351 mg of calcium.
1 cup whole milk = 291 mg of calcium.
Milk is acidifying while sesame seeds are alkaline. Organic calcium infused with sesame seeds is very good for the bones.
Sesame seeds contain all the essential amino acids and help to make complete proteins. They contain more higher protein than most nuts. As an example, 100 g sesame seeds = 18 g protein (32% of the daily recommended value). Susan is an excellent source of copper, providing 53% of the daily intake recommended in two tablespoons of teas (made from sesame seeds). Copper is a powerful antioxidant that helps the immune system.

Stimulates digestion. Sesame seeds are high in fiber - lignans, known for their contribution to a healthy digestive system and a healthy colon.

Helps in case of rheumatoid arthritis.
Sesame seeds :
It alleviates asthma attacks
Sesame oil contains vitamin E
It heals burns
Protects sensitive gums
You get rid of constipation
Goodbye, joint pain!
It activates metabolism
Excellent remedy for anemia

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5 years
Deliana Interesting article! ?
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Explorer2017 Good post
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5 years
Strabunica013 @Deliana @Explorer2017 Thank you very much , my dear friends , for the visit ! ? ?? ? ?
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dorageorg So great atricle!?
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cathydkreations Thanks for sharing dear ?
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5 years
Strabunica013 @dorageorg @cathydkreations Thank you very much , my dear friends , for the visit ! ? ?? ? ?
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SweetB Informative great article
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Strabunica013 @SweetB Thank you very much , my dear friend , for the visit ! ? ?? ? ?
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storyteller888 great article
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