By ze2000
8 years ago

Only 3 northern white rhinos left. What will be their future?

Nola, the 41 old female had to be euthanized on Sunday. Vets had been treating the rhino for a bacterial infection but after some complications of her illness Nola finally didn't make euthanized by San Diego Zoo staff Sunday. Vets had been treating the rhino for a bacterial infection and had recently performed surgery to drain an abscess, but Nola’s condition worsened.

Now there is only 3 northerns white rhinos left on the planet. 2 of them are female and 1 is a male. However the females are now too old to reproduce naturally. Vets took cells from the females and ara hoping to artificially reproduce the species using the more common species as a host. They say this could take more than a decade to happen.

At least we know that the 3 rhinos left are guarded 24/7 by armed men to ensure no ilegall hunting end with a tragic result.
7 years
Tiggerfantoo it makes me so angry and sad to see our wildlife diminishing so much these days
7 years