By indexer
7 years ago

St Alban: England's first saint


The cathedral city of St Albans in Hertfordshire takes its name from Alban, who was the first English saint.

The story goes that Alban was a Roman soldier in the town of Verulamium, an important settlement on Watling Street. During a period of persecution of Christians he gave shelter to a Christian man and was himself converted to Christianity.

On being ordered to hand over the protected man he refused to do so and was executed as a result.

Is the story true? Set against it is the fact that Christians were only persecuted very rarely in Roman Britain. However, the story was first recorded early in the 5th century, and the event would not have happened – if it did – much earlier than then. The balance therefore seems to come down on “Yes” rather than “No”.

The Abbey Church of St Alban was founded by King Offa, who reigned in the late 8th century. Tradition has it that the place of Alban’s martyrdom became the site of the high altar of the Abbey, which was declared a Cathedral in 1877.
7 years
fortune Interesting story. If historians did not know is it true or not, the population believes in what they want.
7 years
7 years
indexer @fortune There are many saints' stories that cannot be verified but are still believed
7 years
7 years
cathydkreations Nice article thanks for sharing.
7 years
7 years
Melsdename Very interesting honey. Thank you for sharing.
7 years
7 years
jessabumagat20 Very nice and interesting article
7 years
7 years
RasmaSandra Interesting story and thanks for sharing. I find history so fascinating.
7 years
7 years
indexer @RasmaSandra History fascinates me too. there are so many interesting stories from the past that are not widely known.
7 years