By ScaryGal
8 years ago

My Top Ten Favourite songs

So I've seen a lot of top ten articles on different blogs and I've been wanting to write something all day but I have writer's block so I thought I would do a top ten list. :D So this is my top ten favorite songs at the minute.

10) Rain - By The Script

9) Perfect - Ed Sheeran

8) Me and My Girls - Selena Gomez

7) Dive - Ed Sheeran

6) Liar - One Ok rock

5) Over and Over Again - Nathan Skyes and Ariana Grande

4) Into You - Ariana Grande

3) Make You Stay - The Girl And The Dreamcatcher

2) Naturally - Selena Gomez

1) Obsession - Tich

My top favorite is a song about having a crush and if you guys read or follow me on here you know that I'm currently seeing someone who I'm crazy about