The magnolia originates from North America, and there are more than 120 species of this beautiful ornamental tree. There are gorgeous flowers mostly in white, pink or purple, large in size from 15-30 cm and with a glassy smell, and depending on the type, it starts to flourish from March. The leaves are leathery, large, shiny green and emerge after the flowers.
The most suitable place on the half-shade. It has a shallow root, so be careful not to hurt it when you maintain the garden, and to protect it, put a layer of plaster around the stem. Do not plant other plants in its vicinity to have enough space to develop, and to express its beauty.
It is multiplied by seed, with cuttings and with lying twigs, but it is best to get an already hardened seedlings because the process is long lasting and difficult to manage at home. It's best to plant it in the spring.
It has a rich, tear-resistant soils that keeps moisture. In the winter you need to protect it from frost and cold winds. Store it once a year with fertilizer without lime. Once a year add sour soil to the already existing (sour ground is mainly under pine trees).
Sprinkle it regularly in the first few years after planting, and then only in the summer. It has to be trimmed to keep the beautiful shape, and the cuts are coated with a squeegee wax.
The most suitable place on the half-shade. It has a shallow root, so be careful not to hurt it when you maintain the garden, and to protect it, put a layer of plaster around the stem. Do not plant other plants in its vicinity to have enough space to develop, and to express its beauty.
It is multiplied by seed, with cuttings and with lying twigs, but it is best to get an already hardened seedlings because the process is long lasting and difficult to manage at home. It's best to plant it in the spring.
It has a rich, tear-resistant soils that keeps moisture. In the winter you need to protect it from frost and cold winds. Store it once a year with fertilizer without lime. Once a year add sour soil to the already existing (sour ground is mainly under pine trees).
Sprinkle it regularly in the first few years after planting, and then only in the summer. It has to be trimmed to keep the beautiful shape, and the cuts are coated with a squeegee wax.
dorageorg › Nice article!?
Nevena83 › i lepo mirise
sanjad › Prelep cvet
Frenki › Beautiful
maca1 › Obožavam magnolija
soncee › Preubav artikl
DAIANAGABAR › So beautiful article
Violeta › Very nice article
carmen3521 › Nice content & photo!
frenchqueen › Nice
Ryanskie › Nice article ?
viktorija64 › Very nice article
bellak24 › nice
senior1819 › Свака част. Moja se odavno osušila :(