By Jeff2030
7 years ago


God wants us to seek His righteousness and not our own righteousness. When we seek our own righteousness, we will always end up feeling miserable because we can never be righteous by our works, no matter how hard we try. That is why our loving Father wants us to remember that righteousness is not right behavior but a person—Jesus (see 1 Corinthians 1:30), and that we have “become the righteousness of God in Him.”

Beloved, seeking God’s righteousness means that you see Jesus as someone who knew no sin but became sin for you so that He could give you His righteousness and make you the righteousness of God in Him! As you proclaim daily the truth that you are the righteousness of God in Christ, you will see “all these things” (Matthew 6:33) added to you without even asking for them!
7 years
RalRey That's right, Christ is the measure of justice, of faith and perfection before God that is given equally to all born-again believers, a miracle that takes place according to what is established in Romans 10: 9-10. Be careful, make no mistake, access to the promises of God (YHVH God) is not something that is automatically added to the whole world. Before you must "believe in the heart for justice" and then confess with your mouth that Christ is the Lord for "salvation". We appropriate justice only and exclusively through belief.
7 years