growing up with a Bad farther / my opinon on him
i am ashamed to call you my farther what farther would put there family through something so though if i realized sooner you would off been gone straight away in a way its my fault because if i listened to people in the first place it would be okay. I never wanted to think it was all true i just wanted to be like every other family. I use to stick up for you and help you but all along you manipulated me.
Now i know who you truly are and that you don't deserve to be called a farther when it comes to farther day comes it means nothing to me anymore nothing but i want you to realise that you mean nothing to me anymore your name makes me fume i can't even walk the streets and not have fear that i would bump into you because you are nothing to me i can't believe i was brought up around you but you are a horrible person and now i know the real truth about you no one like you should be a farther i would do anything to have a farther in my life but if that means you not being in my life then i will cope i don't need a farther like you in my life i have other family and friends to help me get through things your suppose to guide me through but the funny thing is you have 9 kids and none of them need you from me being the oldest they do not need you in there life to be honest i am glad it wasn't any other the 8 kids that had to go through it but i am disappointed they knew what you like earlier then me but no one need someone like you no one don't think you can wiggle back in our life because i know for sure i don't want anything to do with you to me i don't have a farther some people need to realise they are lucky to have a farther and to the ones who don't have a farther you can get through life just keep your head held high .
In your case it might be similar or much much worse and your father might just be down right rotten. We are all here for you if you want to ever talk