By ekoducan
6 years ago

Freeze organic barley juice


Sok od ječma (Hordeum sativum) je hladno ceđeni sok iz zelenih izdanaka dužine 10-12 centimetara i odmah zamrznut, bez ikakvih dodataka. Sadrži u savršenoj ravnoteži sve elemente neophodne organizmu: hlorofil (često ga nazivaju biiljna krv), žive enzime koji razvijaju „ dobre“ bakterije u telu, antioksidanse (preko 100 poznatih i plus 2-0 GIV koji smanjuje nakupljanje otrova u krvi, sprečava upalne procese i aktivnosti slobodnih radikala), beta karotin, vitamine grupe B uključujući i B17 (amigdalin) izuzetno značajan u prevenciji tumora, vitamine A, C, D, K, holin, folnu kiselinu, minerale (gvožđa pet puta više nego spanaća, kalcijuma 11 puta više nego u kravljem mleku, jod, magnezijum, fosfor, selen, cink. .. ) i širok spektar aminokiselina.
Sok od zelenog žita detoksikuje organizam, čisti krv, deluje antivirusno i protivupalno, podiže imunitet, alkalizuje organizam, smanjuje nivo lošeg holestereola u krvi, smanjuje kiselost u želucu, jača kosti i zglobove, reguliše probavu, otklanja malaksalost i vraća snagu, , poboljšava rad pluća, usporava starenje kože i pojavu sede kose, reguliše šećer u krvi i krvni pritisak.
Zbog bogatstva hlorofilom, doprinosi unošenju više kiseonika u krv, što zajedno sa alkalizacijom organizma predstavlja osnovne preduslove za sprečavanje nastanka karcinoma, po mnogim svetskim autorima. Pakovano je u "loptice" 18x19grama, tako da ih možete pojedinačno odmrzavati i koristiti.
The barley juice (Hordeum sativum) is a cold-cut juice from green shoots of 10-12 centimeters long and immediately frozen, without any additives. Contains in perfect balance all the elements necessary for the organism: chlorophyll (often referred to as herbal blood), live enzymes that develop "good" bacteria in the body, antioxidants (over 100 known plus plus 2-0 GIV which reduces blood poisoning, prevents inflammation and activity of free radicals), beta-carotene, vitamin B groups including B17 (amygdalin) are extremely important in the prevention of tumors, vitamins A, C, D, K, cholin, folic acid, minerals (iron five times more than spinach, calcium 11 times more than in cow's milk, iodine, magnesium, phosphorus, selenium, zinc ...) and a wide range of amino acids.
Green grain juice detoxifies the organism, cleanses blood, acts antiviral and anti-inflammatory, raises immunity, alkalizes the body, reduces the level of bad cholestereol in the blood, reduces acidity in the stomach, strengthens bones and joints, regulates digestion, removes malnutrition and restores strength, lungs, slows down the aging of the skin and the appearance of hair restraints, regulates blood sugar and blood pressure.
Due to the richness of chlorophyll, it contributes to the introduction of more oxygen into the blood, which, together with the alkalization of the organism, presents the basic preconditions for preventing the development of cancer, by many world authors. We pack it in "balls" 18x19grams so you can defrost them individually and use them.

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6 years
Violeta Very nice article
6 years
6 years
kavinitu Very nice article.. thanks for sharing ??
6 years
6 years
biljas Super clanak.
6 years
6 years
jasmina88 Very nice and good article I like it
6 years
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Halapa Provereno??
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Miki odlicno
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6 years
marija64 Very nice article.
6 years
6 years
Strabunica013 Very nice article.. Thanks for sharing ??
6 years