By TammyWhite
7 years ago

Fern sprouts, the next fashionable ingredient!

Those who are always attentive to the penultimate fashion or the next food called to be the superfood present in the menus of all healthy and modern restaurants, should be learning this name: fiddleheads. After that name that could be used for an IKEA furniture, it actually hides something as simple as fern shoots.

Not only does it turn out that they are edible, it is also nothing new. For many years now they have been like that exotic ingredient that will be sneaking into all the salads and Instagram photos at any moment. At the moment, it is true, it has not happened, and in fact it is quite difficult to find it in national online markets or stores.

Also known as "monkey tail", their season is spring, when they grow wild in humid areas. Apparently, finding them, identifying the good and edible ones, and relocating them, is an art that, in a way, reminds us of what goes on here with the mushroom season. Although their collection is limited to a few weeks, they are also sold frozen throughout the year.

What do you know? Those who have tried (I do not yet) say that its flavor reminds of asparagus and spinach. And how do they eat? Raw or scalded in water to be served in salads - they look rich in crispness - or cooked in the same dishes as the aforementioned asparagus or spinach. Sautéed, for example, with rice, and in Asian recipes it seems that they succeed a lot.

The first to find them on a plate, to warn us to prepare.
7 years
Justin In romanian language FERIGA
7 years
7 years
TammyWhite @Justin you have eaten them already?I find it strange to think of them as food
7 years
7 years
dorageorg Interesting
7 years
7 years
Smokey2017 Interesting
7 years
7 years
carmen3521 Interesting article.
7 years
7 years
OlgaLifeLover Very nice
7 years
7 years
maryana36 Interesting article.
7 years
7 years
Unanenna ? para comer? Ostia.
7 years
7 years
soncee Great artikle
7 years
7 years
Violeta Very interesting article
7 years
7 years
OlitaM I simply enjoy their look but haven't tried to eat them...
7 years
5 years
mili2020 Lepo
5 years