By carmen3521
6 years ago

About quince,, For @cathydkreations

The quince is part of the Rosaceae family. It is the only tree of the genus Cydonia and originates in Asia, in the regions of the Caucasus. Quince is a fruit tree related to hair and apple.appearance
The quince is a small fruit tree, reaching maturity between 5-8 m.
The leaves are alternately placed on the branches. They are long, smooth and have a size between 6-11 cm. Their surface is covered with small, white bristles.

Unlike other fruit trees, the quince blooms after giving leaves, generally at the beginning of May. Quince flowers are large and consist of 5 white or pink petals.

Chickens are fruits that reach maturity at a height of 7-12 cm and about 6-9 cm in diameter. When it is ripe, the fruit gets a yellow color. The autumn harvested late autumn and covered with brownish brown bristles.

Cultivation of the quails may have been done first before the meridians. In Ancient Greece, it was a ritual that quails were offered at the wedding because they were considered sacred fruit by the goddess Aphrodite. Tradition also said that a bride must bite a quiver so that the first kiss she will give her husband is not unpleasant.

The Romans also used quince for culinary purposes, simple or in combination with various foods. In Apicius's book of cookies there were quince recipes with honey, and unexpectedly it presented recipes in which the gutuille were combined even with leeks.

Gutuii sunt pomi foarte rezistenti la inghet. Pentru a inflori corespunzator acestia au nevoie de o temperatura de minim 7oC. Gutuiul este un copac fertil, insa pentru a da un randament mai bun acesta poate fi fertilizat la inceputul primaverii. Fructele pot fi lasate in pom pana se coc, deoarece vor fi mai suculente si mai gustoase. Cu toate acestea, trebuie sa ai grija sa le culegi inainte sa dea primul inghet.

In Europa gutuile erau utilizate in special in zona centrala si zonele sudice, unde verile sunt mai calduroase.
Gutuii sunt cultivati in special in zonele sudice, unde climatul este mai cald pentru o perioada indelungata, pentru a permite coacerea fructelor. In general, pentru consumul propriu, este suficient sa plantezi un gutui in propria curte.
Carol cel Mare a fost prima persoana care a dat ordin sa se planteze livezi de gutui.

Gutuiul a fost pentru prima oara mentionat intr-o carte scrisa in secolul al XIII-lea, in Anglia.

In America gutuile sunt destul de rare, din cauza mediului neprielnic. In aceasta zona gutuii sunt adesea afectati de o boala specifica numita Erwinia amylovora. Gutuii se cultiva intens in zonele Americii de Sud, precum Argentina si Uruguay.

Turcia este in prezent lider pe piata in productia de gutui cu aproximativ 105.000 tone pe an. Aceasta este urmata de China, Maroc, Argentina, Iran si Peru.

Most quince varieties are too hard and astringent to eat raw. Instead, they can be cooked easily.

Chickens can be used to produce jam, jelly and pudding.

Quince fruit is also used to prepare various foods or can be baked to be consumed as a dessert, simple or in combination with honey. You can add a small amount of quince to apple pie, apple tart or even jam for a smoother taste and flavor.

The cucumbers are also used for the production of alcoholic liquor or liqueur.

 Nutrition and health
Chickens have a rather low nutritional content. 100 g of fruit contains: 25 calories, 6 g of carbohydrates, 6 g of fiber, 14 mg of Ca, 6 mg of Mg, 200 mg of Potassium and 13 mg of Vitamin C.

Chickens are recommended in diets because of their low calorie content.

Over time, it has been shown that these fruits have great disinfecting properties and help remove uric acid from the body.

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