By Fesalvia
7 years ago

Toxic People

During our life we ​​meet different types of people, be it in work relationships, family relationships, sentimental relationships or simply in casual encounters. Many of them will remain with us, while others will follow their stories in different ways.

It is inevitable to come across toxic people, after all they are everywhere. But once we identify it as such, it is best to divert, as we deviate or jump on a rock, to avoid tripping, falling and getting hurt.

Here is a short list of people from whom we need to distance ourselves or even say a great and final goodbye without feeling guilty about it:

1. Victim's spouse;
2. Relative relative;
3. Gossiping people;
4. Poorly trained colleagues;
5. Manipulating people;
6. Pessimistic people;
7. Envious people.
7 years
Violeta Very interesting article
7 years
7 years
soncee Great artikle my dear!!
7 years
7 years
Fesalvia Thanks dears @violeta @soncee
7 years
7 years
ORourkeDesigns Wry true best to just avoid those in one life
7 years
7 years
maca1 Very good artikle
7 years
7 years
Fesalvia @ORourkeDesignsYes, it's the best! @MAca1 thanks dear!
7 years
7 years
dorageorg Great article
7 years
7 years
Fesalvia @dorageorg Thanks!
7 years
7 years
Smokey2017 Very very interesting smokelicious says ❤️❤️
7 years
7 years
RalRey differentiate between the good and the bad ... analyze everything to separate the good from the bad ... we discard the bad and retain the good ... we discard the toxic that is not good at all
7 years
7 years
sabtraversa I’m sometimes toxic myself, but I wonder if it’s because other toxic people turn me like that or else. ?
7 years
7 years
RalRey @sabtraversa we are all toxic at some point, at some point we can be contaminated, touched by the garbage of the confused, dark, turbulent, corrupt and chaotic world in which we live, but that is not the problem, being toxic from time to time, but we are severely harmful when we are permanently toxic, all the time, then if that is your state, please put yourself in quarantine so that it is not rejected
7 years
7 years
Fesalvia @RalRey I agree, at some point in life, we will be these people toxic, after all nobody is perfect!
7 years
7 years
sabtraversa @RalRey Sounds like it’s infective, indeed ?
7 years
7 years
RasmaSandra I always do my best to keep a great distance from such people. Now that I am alone in this world I know I have to really look out for myself.
7 years
7 years
RalRey @RasmaSandra But remember that the problem is not only in other people, in the poison that is in others, but we must be aware of the poison that can come from within us and that could become toxic to others. Have I made myself understood?
7 years