The bustling history of Michael the Brave's head - Istoria plina de zbucium, a capului lui Mihai Viteazul
The bustling history of Michael the Brave's head begins right after his assassination in 1601 at Turzii Plain.
About the events on August 9/19, 1601, the chroniclers of the times have several variants, for example the Hungarian historian, István Szamosközi, contemporary with Mihai, wrote: "They cut his head in the tent and lay three naked days on the edge road. His bearded head has all put him in the throat of a horse that had died there all the time, so he kept his head there for a long time. " As a beaver's author, a certain Beaury valon is indicated.
General Basta's secretary, Ciro Spontani, wrote that after the murder of voivode Mihai was held, a council was held and it was decided to send his head to Tara Romaneasca. According to Romanian historians, the mission to bring the head to the Romanian Country was returned to the commissioner Radu Folrescu. This Radu Florescu, would have been a very close person to Mihai, helping him to be called the ruler.
Other sources, such as Jeremiah Movila and a Serbian chronicler, say that both the head and the body would have been buried with Basta's consent in Alba Iulia.
Another hypothesis that supports the bringing of Michael the Brave's head to Dealu Monastery is an 18th century chronicle indicating a certain Turk Turtle as the one who would have brought the head of the voevod in the Romanian Country. Michael the Brave
"Then Mihai Voda was tied up with the great and big oath of the Hunchbacker, how to look for each other until their death. And yes, it will come to Mihai Voda to die in another country not to leave Mihai Voda bones, but to bring them to Tara Romaneasca and to bury them. That's why if they saw Turturea Paharnicul as cutting Mihai Voda much they had to swear to take the bones of Mihai Voda. But they could not, but only took their heads and took them to Tara Romaneasca and buried it at Den Hill Hill in Targoviste ".
This hypothesis is confirmed by a charter issued by the voivode Radu Mihnea in 1612, which strengthens Turtulea village Gauriciu, for bringing the prince's head to the country.
In 1601, his head was buried with great honor at Dealu Monastery, by Radu Buzescu and his wife.
More than 200 years after the burial, during which time the silence of the head was disturbed by thieves, earthquakes, and lack of people, in 1843, after the ascension of Gheorghe Binescu's throne, the relic of Michael Viteazu's head, and there are restoration works at Dealu Monastery, when the tombs of Radu the Great (1508) and Mihai are opened, and their skulls are placed in a place of great honor within glass racks. The King of Migai the Brave and others to Radu the Great
During the reign of Cuza, there was a purpose of bringing the relic to the capital, at Mihai Voda Monastery, where it was to be deposited in gold, but for unknown reasons the project was abandoned.
In 1904, the glass rack is replaced with a bronze, which the great historian Iorga considers to be unworthy to serve as the old place for the voevod of the union, and two marble carvings are carved in marble, one for Mihai and one for Radu cel Great, in which their relics are to be deposited.
With the entry of Romania into World War I, the head of voivode Mihai, enters a new tumultuous period of his existence.
In 1916, the German army crossed the Carpathians from Transylvania, threatening to occupy Bucharest. The Romanian Government secretly decides to abandon the cap and to flee to Iasi. Mihai Viteazu's head in Iasi 1916
During this time, it is entrusted to a teacher and a priest a mission of great importance. They reach Dealu Monastery at the foot of the Carpathians, in order to save the precious invaders, the relics of Michael the Brave's head.
Relicva arrives in Iasi, in a wooden box, and is hidden in the mystery of the Metropolitan Church of Moldova.
Because of the fear of the German army, which is coming vertically from Iasi, the relic is transported secretly across the Crimean border, being hidden during transportation in a box of hats. With the restoration of the military situation on the front, his head was brought back to Iasi, where he was seated in an oak casket, being commemorated in the presence of the king and many political and military figures of the time.
1920 after the exile in Iasi, and Crimea, the head of Michael the Brave, starts in a last pilgrimage. As a symbol of the newly-established union, the train carrying the relic is welcomed with military honors worthy of a head of state, King Ferdinand himself handles himself to Dealu Monastery, where he holds a memorable speech:
"Behold, I have fulfilled your hatred, Transylvania, Moldova, and Wallachia." And he placed on the skull the most important military distinction, the Mihai Viteazul Order, set up by Fredinand in 1918. Thus Mihai Viteazu is the only one novel that is decorated with the ordinal name.
Capul lui Mihai Viteazu.
Istoria plina de zbucium, a capului lui Mihai Viteazul, incepe chiar din momentul asasinarii acestuia in 1601 la Campia Turzii.
Despre evenimentele intamplate in ziua de 9/19 august 1601, cronicarii vremii au mai multe variante, de exemplu istoricul maghiar, István Szamosközi, contemporan cu Mihai, scria: „I-au taiat capul in cort si a zacut trei zile gol, la marginea drumului. Capul cu barba cu tot l-au pus pe hoitul unui cal, care murise acolo tot atunci si astfel a stat capul acolo mult timp“. Ca autor al decapitarii este indicat un anume valon Beaury.
Secretarul generalului Basta, Ciro Spontani, scria ca dupa ce a avut loc uciderea voevodului Mihai, s-a tinut un consiliu si a fost hotarata trimiterea capului acestuia in Tara Romaneasca. Potrivit istoricilor romani, misiunea de a aduce capul in Tara Romaneasca a revenit comisului Radu Folrescu. Acest Radu Florescu , ar fi fost o persoana foarte apropiata lui Mihai, ajutandu-l in a fi numit domnitor.
Din alte surse, cum ar fi Ieremia Movila si o cronica sarbeasca, spun ca atat capul cat si trupul ar fi fost inmormantate cu acordul lui Basta la Alba Iulia.
O alta ipoteza ce sustine aducerea capului lui Mihai Viteazul la Manastirea Dealu, este o cronica de secol XVIII, care il indica pe un anume paharnic Turtulea, ca fiind cel care ar fi adus capul voevodului in Tara Romaneasca.Craniul Mihai Viteazul
„Atunci au fost legat Mihai Voda cu Turtulea Paharnicul juramant tare si mare cum sa se caute unul pe altul pana la moartea lor. Şi da se va prinde lui Mihai Voda sa pieie intr-alta tara sa nu-i lase Mihai Voda oasele, ci sa le aduca la Tara Romaneasca si sa le ingroape. De aceea daca vazu Turturea Paharnicul ca taiara pe Mihai Voda mult s-au nevoit pentru juramantul ca sa ducă oasele lui Mihai Voda. Ci n-au putut, ci au luat numai capul şi l-au dus in Tara Romaneasca si l-au ingropat la manastirea Den deal de la Targovişste“.
Aceasta ipoteza este confirmata de un hrisov emis de voevodul Radu Mihnea, in 1612, care intareste lui Turtulea satul Gauriciu, pentru aducerea in tara a capului domnitorului.
In 1601, capul este ingropat cu mare cinste la Manastirea Dealu, de catre Radu Buzescu si sotia acestuia.
Dupa mai bine de 200 de ani de la inhumare, timp in care linistea capului a fost tulburata de hoti, cutremure, si nepasarea oamenilor, in 1843, dupa urcarea pe tron a lui Gheorghe Binescu, relicva capului lui Mihai Viteazu, revine in actualitare, si au loc lucrari de restaurare la Manastirea Dealu, cand sunt deschise mormintele lui Radu cel Mare (1508), si al lui Mihai, iar craniile acestora sunt asezate la loc de mare cinste in interiorul unor racle de sticla.Capul lui Migai Viteazul si al lui Radu cel Mare
In timpul domniei lui Cuza, a existat un ptoiect de aducere a relicvei in capitala, la Manastirea Mihai Voda, unde urma ca acesta sa fie depus intr- racla de aur, dar din motive necunoscute proiectul a fost abandonat.
In 1904, racla de sticla este inlocuita cu una de bronz, pe care marele istoric Iorga o considera a fi nedemna pentru a sluji ca loc de vechi pentru voevodul unirii, si sunt sculptate in marmura doua sarcofage, unul pentru Mihai si altul pentru Radu cel Mare, in care sa fie depuse relicvele acestora.
Odata cu intrarea Romaniei in Primul Razboi Mondial, capul voevodului Mihai, intra intr-o noua perioada zbuciumata a existentei sale.
In anul 1916, armata germana traverseaza Carpatii dinspre Transilvania, si ameninta sa ocupe Bucurestiul. Guvernul Romaniei stabileste in secret sa abandoneze capiala si sa se refugieze la Iasi.capul lui Mihai Viteazu la Iasi 1916
In acest timp, le este incredintata, unui profesor si unui preot, o misiune de foarte mare importanta. Acestia ajung la Manastirea Dealu de la poalele Carpatilor, pentru a salva din calea cotropitorilor ceva extrem de pretios, relicva capului lui Mihai Viteazul.
Relicva ajunge la Iasi, intr-o cutie de lemn, si este ascunsa in tainita Mitropoliei Moldovei.
De frica armarei germane, ce se apropia vertiginos de Iasi, relicva este transportata in secret peste granite in Crimeea, fiind ascunsa in timpul transportului intr-o cutie de palarii. Odata cu restabilirea situatiei militare de pe front, capul a fost readus la Iasi, unde a fost asezat intr-un sicriu de stejar, fiind comemorat in prezenta regelui si a multor figure politice si militare ale vremii.
1920 dupa exilul de la Iasi,si Crimeea, capul lui Mihai Viteazul, porneste intr-un ultim pelerinaj. Ca un simbol al unitii recent infaptuite, trenul ce transporta relicva este intampinat cu onoruri militare demne de un sef de stat, regele Ferdinand insusi il depune cu mare alai la Manastirea Dealu, unde tine un discurs memorabil:
“Iata, ti-am implinit pohta ce-ai pohtit, Ardealul, Moldova, si Tara Romaneasca.” Si a asezat pe craniu ce-a mai inalta distinctie militara, Ordinul Mihai Viteazul, instituit de Fredinand in 1918. Astfel Mihai Viteazu este singurul roman care este decorat cu ordinal care-i poarta numele.