The best rooting hormone - Cel mai bun hormon de inradacinare
Before starting this article, it is important to note that most plants can naturally be rooted without the need for a rooting hormone. The rooting hormones only help for plants that grow very hard through seedlings. such as bass, petunia, chrysanthemum or magnolia (and many more) can be rooted without the use of these hormones.
Do not spend a lot of money before you inform.
It's right, hormones can even help with the plants listed above. But it does not help directly in proportion to the price to pay. It may be more appropriate for the new roots to be helped in the long run by a biostimulator such as Razormin (
The most important factor in succeeding in rooting is the care that you give to the butchers during this period. Here we mainly refer to providing humidity in substrate and air, and to providing diffused light (not direct sunlight). Plant rooting (rotting) is a technique that applies to many species that we love.
The technique of rooting is relatively simple and I have described it in an article in which I used some Passiflora seedlings as an example. If you have not read it yet, you can find it here:
Usually, rooting occurs easily for many plants. However, there are species that roughen harder, and the catch percentage is quite low. Even with plants that are easy to root, we want to accelerate this process a little, and to increase the growth of richer roots. Here comes the role of rooting hormones. Hormones are substances naturally synthesized by plants and play an important role in regulating metabolism and some reactions that they spend in plants. I have to mention that there is no connection between plant and human hormones. There is only this name resemblance, because both in plants and in humans, hormones are endogenous substances (constituted by the body) that play a role in metabolism and other chemical reactions, exerting their role at a certain distance from the place of synthesis. To make it clearer, let's take an example from humans. The adrenal glands secrete adrenaline, a hormone that increases the intensity of myocardial contractions (heart muscle). A substance synthesized somewhere above the kidneys has an effect on the heart. So there are these substances in plants. The advantage is that the researchers have identified synthesis compounds that, in small quantities, have exactly the same effects as plant hormones. These substances are called all hormones, even if this association is a little forced (because they are not synthesized in the plant). They also come under the name of phytohormones, growth hormones, growth regulators (activators or growth inhibitors) or rooting hormones.
Hormones of rooting
For us, plant cucumbers (professionals or amateurs), the existence of these synthesis hormones is an extraordinary step towards performance. Using these substances, we can drive plant metabolism, using cheap products, which we can buy at good prices from anywhere. We can even order them online. hormone-rooting-auxin-acid-indolacetic The most important hormones in plants are auxins. These auxins regulate many processes (some more conspicuous, some less well known), among which the plant's roots. Auxines are of several types, but the most important and most common is indole-3-acetic acid.
The role of auxins in rooting
It has been known for a very long time that the presence of buds on a buttock (a fragment of the stem, which is detached from the plant) favors the development of the roots when it is introduced with the basal part in water or in a humid environment. The presence of buds already swollen (near the start of vegetation) makes the rooting process more effective than the presence of deep buds. Leaves, especially young ones, also help to develop roots on a fragment detached from the plant.
These observations suggest that initiation of the roots in the seedlings is favored by hormones that are synthesized in buds and young leaves. These seedlings are transported through the plant to the basal area, where the new roots will develop. Following research, it has been found that auxin b and indoleacetic acid are most active in the formation of new roots. The effects of rooting hormones on root formation must be clearly delineated by the effects they derive in stretching the roots and further developing them. It is known that root initiation requires a much higher concentration of rooting hormones than the time of stretching the already formed roots. Treatments with rooting hormones have no effect on all plants, but however most plant species used by humans (ornamental or food) respond very well to treatments with such substances. Studies have shown that the application of auxin-based rooting hormones leads to the acceleration of the root formation process and to the development of a larger number of rootstocks (quoted from the "Plant Physiology" treaty by BS Meyer and DB Anderson).
Treatment of seedlings with rooting hormones
Several methods of treatment of segments detached from plants are known. It is possible to immerse the seedlings in hormone solutions with a dilution of 100-200 ppm (parts per million) for up to 24 hours before planting them in the propagation medium (peat, coconut, mineral wool. ..etc). This method was considered to be too slow and was replaced by other newer methods. One of these would be the passage of the base of the bum moistened with a powder (dust) containing rooting hormones, followed by planting in the rooting environment. Another method consists in immersing the base of the butylate in a solution of higher concentration (1000-3000 ppm) for shorter periods of a few minutes. Finally, the latter method and perhaps most effective is to treat the base of the butylate with a rooting gel containing hormones (especially auxins) and other mineral substances necessary for the development of healthy roots.
The rooting gel - advantages
Representing a very effective solution for the rooting of butchers, gels have gained more and more ground in this area. Large scale flower growers (especially) are widely used to quickly grow large quantities of plants. Hormones of rooting
The benefits of these gels are as follows:
- adheres very well to the surface of the plant fragments (seedlings) - they do not wash, do not fall off the bumps on which they are applied;
- seals the bumps' wounds - that is, the place of the cut or the places from which the leaves have broken to make the bumble into the ground;
- are highly concentrated in rooting hormones - for example, the Clonex gel contains hormones in a concentration of 3000 ppm;
- contain a complete nutritional recipe for the development of the newly formed roots.
As mentioned above, Clonex gel is probably the best known among ornamental plant growers (flowers, trees, shrubs) for the good results obtained by growing plants in greenhouses, solariums, nurseries or at home. However, it is also possible to choose various powders containing auxins, which are necessary for rapid rootstocks. Everyone opts for what benefits him (financially, as time and efficiency), but it is very important to know at least the benefits of the use of rooting hormones and to make the most of them. "
"Inainte de a incepe acest articol, este important de precizat faptul ca majoritatea plantelor se pot inradacina in mod natural, fara a fi necesara utilizarea unui hormon de inradacinare. Hormonii de inradacinare ajuta doar in cazul plantelor care se inmultesc foarte greu prin butasi. Plante precum muscata, petunia, crizantema sau magnolia (si multe altele) se pot inradacina si fara utilizarea acestor hormoni.
Nu cheltuiti o suma mare de bani inainte sa va informati.
Este drept, hormonii pot ajuta chiar si in cazul plantelor enumerate mai sus. Dar nu ajuta direct proportional cu pretul care trebuie platit. Este poate mai indicat ca noile radacini sa fie ajutate pe termen lung cu un biostimulator, precum Razormin (
Cel mai important factor al reusitei la inradacinare este grija pe care Dvs. o acordati butasilor in aceasta perioada. Aici ne referim in principal la asigurarea umiditatii in substrat si in aer si la asigurarea luminii difuze (nu soare direct). Inradacinarea plantelor (butasirea) este o tehnica ce se aplica la foarte multe specii pe care le indragim.
Tehnica inradacinarii este relativ simpla si am descris-o intr-un articol in care am folosit ca exemplu niste butasi de Passiflora. Daca inca nu l-ati citit, il puteti gasi aici:
De obicei, inradacinarea se produce usor in cazul multor plante. Cu toate acestea, exista si specii care inradacineaza mai greu, iar procentul de prindere este destul de scazut. Chiar si la plantele care inradacineaza usor, ne dorim sa acceleram putin acest proces si sa determinam cresterea unor radacini mai bogate. Aici intervine rolul hormonilor de inradacinare. Hormonii sunt substante sintetizate in mod natural de plante si joaca un rol important in reglarea metabolismului si a unor reactii ce pe petrec in plante. Trebuie sa mentionez ca nu exista nicio legatura intre hormonii de la plante si cei umani. Exista doar aceasta asemanare de nume, pentru ca atat la plante, cat si la oameni, hormonii sunt niste substante endogene (sisntetizate de organism), ce au rol in metabolism si alte reactii chimice, exercitandu-si rolul la o anumita distanta fata de locul de sinteza. Ca sa fie mai limpede, sa luam un exemplu de la om. Glandele suprarenale secreta adrenalina, hormon care are ca efect cresterea intensitatii contractiilor miocardului (muschiului inimii). O substanta sintetizata undeva deasupra rinichilor are efect asupra inimii. Astfel si la plante exista aceste substante. Avantajul este ca cercetatorii au identificat niste compusi de sinteza care, adiministrati in cantitati mici, au exact aceleasi efecte ca hormonii vegetali. Aceste substante sunt denumite tot hormoni, chiar daca asocierea acesta este un pic fortata (pentru ca nu sunt sintetizate in planta). Se mai intalnesc si sub denumirea de fitohormoni, hormoni de crestere, regulatori de crestere (activatori sau inhibitori de crestere) sau hormoni de inradacinare.
Hormonii de inradacinare
Pentru noi, cutivatorii de plante (profesionisti sau amatori), existenta acestor hormoni de sinteza reprezinta un pas extraordinar spre performanta. Folosind aceste substante, putem dirija metabolismul plantelor, utilizand produse ieftine, pe care le putem cumpara la preturi bune de oriunde. Ba chiar le putem comanda online. hormon-inradacinare-auxina-acid-indolacetic Cei mai importanti hormoni din plante sunt auxinele. Aceste auxine regleaza multe proceste (unele mai conoscute, altele mai putin cunoscute), printre care si emiterea radacinilor de catre planta. Auxinele sunt de mai multe tipuri, dar cea mai importanta si mai des intalnita este acidul indol-3-acetic.
Rolul auxinelor la inradacinare
Se stie de foarte multi timp ca prezenta mugurilor pe un butas (un fragment de tulpina, lastar detasat de planta) favorizeaza dezvoltarea radacinilor atunci cand acesta este introdus cu partea bazala in apa sau intr-un mediu umed. Prezenta mugurilor deja umflati (aproape de pornirea in vegetatie) face ca procesul de inradacinare sa fie mai eficient decat prezenta unor muguri in stare de repaos profund. Frunzele, in special cele tinere, ajuta de asemenea la dezvoltarea radacinilor pe un fragment detasat de planta.
Aceste observatii ne sugereaza faptul ca initierea radacinilor la butasi este favorizata de hormoni care sunt sintetizati in mugurii si frunzele tinere. Acesti butasi sunt transportati prin planta catre zona bazala, unde se vor dezvolta noile radacini. In urma cercetarilor, s-a descoperit ca auxina b si acidul indoleacetic sunt cele mai active in formarea de radacini noi. Efectele hormonilor de inradacinare asupra formarii radacinilor trebuie sa se delimiteze clar de efectele pe care acestia le poarta in alungirea radacinilor, in dezvoltarea ulterioara a acestora. Se cunoaste faptul ca pentru initierea radacinilor este nevoie de o concentratie mult mai mare de hormoni de inradacinare fata de momentul alungirii radacinilor deja formate. Tratamentele cu hormoni de inradacinare nu au efect asupra tuturor plantelor, dar cu toate acestea, cele mai multe specii de plante utilizate de catre om (ornamental sau alimentar) raspund foarte bine la tratamentele cu astfel de substante. In urma studiilor, s-a demonstrat ca aplicarea de hormoni de inradacinare pe baza de auxine duce la accelerarea procesului de formare a radacinilor si la dezvoltarea unui numar mai mare de radacini pe butas (citat din tratatul ,,Plant physiology", de B.S. Meyer si D. B. Anderson).
Tratamentul butasilor cu hormoni de inradacinare
Se cunosc mai multe metode de tratament al segmentelor detasate de plante. Se poate face imersia butasilor in solutii de hormoni cu dilutia de 100-200 ppm (parti pe milion), pe o durata de pana la 24 de ore, inainte de plantarea acestora in mediul de propagare (turba, substrat de cocos, vata minerala...etc). Aceasta metoda s-a considerat a fi prea lenta si a fost inlocuita de alte metode mai noi. Una dintre acestea ar fi trecerea bazei butasului umezit printr-o pudra (praf) ce contine hormoni de inradacinare, urmata de plantarea in mediul de inradacinare. O alta metoda consta in scufundarea bazei butasului intr-o solutie de hormoni de inradacinare cu o concentratie mai mare (1000-3000 ppm) pentru perioade mai scurte, de cateva minute. In fine, cea din urma metoda si probabil cea mai eficienta o constituie tratarea bazei butasului cu un gel de inradacinare, ce contine hormoni (in special auxine) si alte substante minerale necesare dezvoltarii unor radacini sanatoase.
Gelul de inradacinare - avantaje
Reprezentand o solutie foarte eficienta pentru inradacinarea butasilor, gelurile au castigat tot mai mult teren in aceasta zona. Sunt folosite la scara larga te majoritatea cultivatorilor profesionisti de flori (in special), pentru inmultirea rapida a unor mari cantitati de plante. Hormoni de inradacinare
Avantajele acestor geluri sunt urmatoarele:
- adera foarte bine la suprafata fragmetelor de plante (butasi) - nu se spala, nu cad de pe butasii pe care sunt aplicate;
- sigileaza ranile butasilor - adica locul taieturii sau locurile din care am rupt frunzele pentru a infige butasul in pamant;
- sunt foarte concentrate in hormoni de inradacinare - de exemplu, gelul Clonex contine hormoni in concentratie de 3000 ppm;
- contin o reteta completa de nutrienti pentru dezvoltarea radacinilor nou formate.
Dupa cum am amintit si mai sus, gelul Clonex este probabil cel mai cunoscut printre cultivatorii de plante ornamentale (flori, arbori, arbusti) pentru rezultatele bune obtinute la inmultirea plantelor in sere, solarii, in pepiniere sau acasa. Cu toate acestea, se poate opta si pentru diverse prafuri (pudre) ce contin auxine, necesare inradacinarii rapide. Fiecare opteaza pentru ceea ce il avantajeaza (financiar, ca timp si ca eficienta), dar este foarte important sa cunoastem macar in mare avantajele folosirii hormonilor de inradacinare si sa profitam la maxim de ele."
Do not spend a lot of money before you inform.
It's right, hormones can even help with the plants listed above. But it does not help directly in proportion to the price to pay. It may be more appropriate for the new roots to be helped in the long run by a biostimulator such as Razormin (
The most important factor in succeeding in rooting is the care that you give to the butchers during this period. Here we mainly refer to providing humidity in substrate and air, and to providing diffused light (not direct sunlight). Plant rooting (rotting) is a technique that applies to many species that we love.
The technique of rooting is relatively simple and I have described it in an article in which I used some Passiflora seedlings as an example. If you have not read it yet, you can find it here:
Usually, rooting occurs easily for many plants. However, there are species that roughen harder, and the catch percentage is quite low. Even with plants that are easy to root, we want to accelerate this process a little, and to increase the growth of richer roots. Here comes the role of rooting hormones. Hormones are substances naturally synthesized by plants and play an important role in regulating metabolism and some reactions that they spend in plants. I have to mention that there is no connection between plant and human hormones. There is only this name resemblance, because both in plants and in humans, hormones are endogenous substances (constituted by the body) that play a role in metabolism and other chemical reactions, exerting their role at a certain distance from the place of synthesis. To make it clearer, let's take an example from humans. The adrenal glands secrete adrenaline, a hormone that increases the intensity of myocardial contractions (heart muscle). A substance synthesized somewhere above the kidneys has an effect on the heart. So there are these substances in plants. The advantage is that the researchers have identified synthesis compounds that, in small quantities, have exactly the same effects as plant hormones. These substances are called all hormones, even if this association is a little forced (because they are not synthesized in the plant). They also come under the name of phytohormones, growth hormones, growth regulators (activators or growth inhibitors) or rooting hormones.
Hormones of rooting
For us, plant cucumbers (professionals or amateurs), the existence of these synthesis hormones is an extraordinary step towards performance. Using these substances, we can drive plant metabolism, using cheap products, which we can buy at good prices from anywhere. We can even order them online. hormone-rooting-auxin-acid-indolacetic The most important hormones in plants are auxins. These auxins regulate many processes (some more conspicuous, some less well known), among which the plant's roots. Auxines are of several types, but the most important and most common is indole-3-acetic acid.
The role of auxins in rooting
It has been known for a very long time that the presence of buds on a buttock (a fragment of the stem, which is detached from the plant) favors the development of the roots when it is introduced with the basal part in water or in a humid environment. The presence of buds already swollen (near the start of vegetation) makes the rooting process more effective than the presence of deep buds. Leaves, especially young ones, also help to develop roots on a fragment detached from the plant.
These observations suggest that initiation of the roots in the seedlings is favored by hormones that are synthesized in buds and young leaves. These seedlings are transported through the plant to the basal area, where the new roots will develop. Following research, it has been found that auxin b and indoleacetic acid are most active in the formation of new roots. The effects of rooting hormones on root formation must be clearly delineated by the effects they derive in stretching the roots and further developing them. It is known that root initiation requires a much higher concentration of rooting hormones than the time of stretching the already formed roots. Treatments with rooting hormones have no effect on all plants, but however most plant species used by humans (ornamental or food) respond very well to treatments with such substances. Studies have shown that the application of auxin-based rooting hormones leads to the acceleration of the root formation process and to the development of a larger number of rootstocks (quoted from the "Plant Physiology" treaty by BS Meyer and DB Anderson).
Treatment of seedlings with rooting hormones
Several methods of treatment of segments detached from plants are known. It is possible to immerse the seedlings in hormone solutions with a dilution of 100-200 ppm (parts per million) for up to 24 hours before planting them in the propagation medium (peat, coconut, mineral wool. ..etc). This method was considered to be too slow and was replaced by other newer methods. One of these would be the passage of the base of the bum moistened with a powder (dust) containing rooting hormones, followed by planting in the rooting environment. Another method consists in immersing the base of the butylate in a solution of higher concentration (1000-3000 ppm) for shorter periods of a few minutes. Finally, the latter method and perhaps most effective is to treat the base of the butylate with a rooting gel containing hormones (especially auxins) and other mineral substances necessary for the development of healthy roots.
The rooting gel - advantages
Representing a very effective solution for the rooting of butchers, gels have gained more and more ground in this area. Large scale flower growers (especially) are widely used to quickly grow large quantities of plants. Hormones of rooting
The benefits of these gels are as follows:
- adheres very well to the surface of the plant fragments (seedlings) - they do not wash, do not fall off the bumps on which they are applied;
- seals the bumps' wounds - that is, the place of the cut or the places from which the leaves have broken to make the bumble into the ground;
- are highly concentrated in rooting hormones - for example, the Clonex gel contains hormones in a concentration of 3000 ppm;
- contain a complete nutritional recipe for the development of the newly formed roots.
As mentioned above, Clonex gel is probably the best known among ornamental plant growers (flowers, trees, shrubs) for the good results obtained by growing plants in greenhouses, solariums, nurseries or at home. However, it is also possible to choose various powders containing auxins, which are necessary for rapid rootstocks. Everyone opts for what benefits him (financially, as time and efficiency), but it is very important to know at least the benefits of the use of rooting hormones and to make the most of them. "
"Inainte de a incepe acest articol, este important de precizat faptul ca majoritatea plantelor se pot inradacina in mod natural, fara a fi necesara utilizarea unui hormon de inradacinare. Hormonii de inradacinare ajuta doar in cazul plantelor care se inmultesc foarte greu prin butasi. Plante precum muscata, petunia, crizantema sau magnolia (si multe altele) se pot inradacina si fara utilizarea acestor hormoni.
Nu cheltuiti o suma mare de bani inainte sa va informati.
Este drept, hormonii pot ajuta chiar si in cazul plantelor enumerate mai sus. Dar nu ajuta direct proportional cu pretul care trebuie platit. Este poate mai indicat ca noile radacini sa fie ajutate pe termen lung cu un biostimulator, precum Razormin (
Cel mai important factor al reusitei la inradacinare este grija pe care Dvs. o acordati butasilor in aceasta perioada. Aici ne referim in principal la asigurarea umiditatii in substrat si in aer si la asigurarea luminii difuze (nu soare direct). Inradacinarea plantelor (butasirea) este o tehnica ce se aplica la foarte multe specii pe care le indragim.
Tehnica inradacinarii este relativ simpla si am descris-o intr-un articol in care am folosit ca exemplu niste butasi de Passiflora. Daca inca nu l-ati citit, il puteti gasi aici:
De obicei, inradacinarea se produce usor in cazul multor plante. Cu toate acestea, exista si specii care inradacineaza mai greu, iar procentul de prindere este destul de scazut. Chiar si la plantele care inradacineaza usor, ne dorim sa acceleram putin acest proces si sa determinam cresterea unor radacini mai bogate. Aici intervine rolul hormonilor de inradacinare. Hormonii sunt substante sintetizate in mod natural de plante si joaca un rol important in reglarea metabolismului si a unor reactii ce pe petrec in plante. Trebuie sa mentionez ca nu exista nicio legatura intre hormonii de la plante si cei umani. Exista doar aceasta asemanare de nume, pentru ca atat la plante, cat si la oameni, hormonii sunt niste substante endogene (sisntetizate de organism), ce au rol in metabolism si alte reactii chimice, exercitandu-si rolul la o anumita distanta fata de locul de sinteza. Ca sa fie mai limpede, sa luam un exemplu de la om. Glandele suprarenale secreta adrenalina, hormon care are ca efect cresterea intensitatii contractiilor miocardului (muschiului inimii). O substanta sintetizata undeva deasupra rinichilor are efect asupra inimii. Astfel si la plante exista aceste substante. Avantajul este ca cercetatorii au identificat niste compusi de sinteza care, adiministrati in cantitati mici, au exact aceleasi efecte ca hormonii vegetali. Aceste substante sunt denumite tot hormoni, chiar daca asocierea acesta este un pic fortata (pentru ca nu sunt sintetizate in planta). Se mai intalnesc si sub denumirea de fitohormoni, hormoni de crestere, regulatori de crestere (activatori sau inhibitori de crestere) sau hormoni de inradacinare.
Hormonii de inradacinare
Pentru noi, cutivatorii de plante (profesionisti sau amatori), existenta acestor hormoni de sinteza reprezinta un pas extraordinar spre performanta. Folosind aceste substante, putem dirija metabolismul plantelor, utilizand produse ieftine, pe care le putem cumpara la preturi bune de oriunde. Ba chiar le putem comanda online. hormon-inradacinare-auxina-acid-indolacetic Cei mai importanti hormoni din plante sunt auxinele. Aceste auxine regleaza multe proceste (unele mai conoscute, altele mai putin cunoscute), printre care si emiterea radacinilor de catre planta. Auxinele sunt de mai multe tipuri, dar cea mai importanta si mai des intalnita este acidul indol-3-acetic.
Rolul auxinelor la inradacinare
Se stie de foarte multi timp ca prezenta mugurilor pe un butas (un fragment de tulpina, lastar detasat de planta) favorizeaza dezvoltarea radacinilor atunci cand acesta este introdus cu partea bazala in apa sau intr-un mediu umed. Prezenta mugurilor deja umflati (aproape de pornirea in vegetatie) face ca procesul de inradacinare sa fie mai eficient decat prezenta unor muguri in stare de repaos profund. Frunzele, in special cele tinere, ajuta de asemenea la dezvoltarea radacinilor pe un fragment detasat de planta.
Aceste observatii ne sugereaza faptul ca initierea radacinilor la butasi este favorizata de hormoni care sunt sintetizati in mugurii si frunzele tinere. Acesti butasi sunt transportati prin planta catre zona bazala, unde se vor dezvolta noile radacini. In urma cercetarilor, s-a descoperit ca auxina b si acidul indoleacetic sunt cele mai active in formarea de radacini noi. Efectele hormonilor de inradacinare asupra formarii radacinilor trebuie sa se delimiteze clar de efectele pe care acestia le poarta in alungirea radacinilor, in dezvoltarea ulterioara a acestora. Se cunoaste faptul ca pentru initierea radacinilor este nevoie de o concentratie mult mai mare de hormoni de inradacinare fata de momentul alungirii radacinilor deja formate. Tratamentele cu hormoni de inradacinare nu au efect asupra tuturor plantelor, dar cu toate acestea, cele mai multe specii de plante utilizate de catre om (ornamental sau alimentar) raspund foarte bine la tratamentele cu astfel de substante. In urma studiilor, s-a demonstrat ca aplicarea de hormoni de inradacinare pe baza de auxine duce la accelerarea procesului de formare a radacinilor si la dezvoltarea unui numar mai mare de radacini pe butas (citat din tratatul ,,Plant physiology", de B.S. Meyer si D. B. Anderson).
Tratamentul butasilor cu hormoni de inradacinare
Se cunosc mai multe metode de tratament al segmentelor detasate de plante. Se poate face imersia butasilor in solutii de hormoni cu dilutia de 100-200 ppm (parti pe milion), pe o durata de pana la 24 de ore, inainte de plantarea acestora in mediul de propagare (turba, substrat de cocos, vata minerala...etc). Aceasta metoda s-a considerat a fi prea lenta si a fost inlocuita de alte metode mai noi. Una dintre acestea ar fi trecerea bazei butasului umezit printr-o pudra (praf) ce contine hormoni de inradacinare, urmata de plantarea in mediul de inradacinare. O alta metoda consta in scufundarea bazei butasului intr-o solutie de hormoni de inradacinare cu o concentratie mai mare (1000-3000 ppm) pentru perioade mai scurte, de cateva minute. In fine, cea din urma metoda si probabil cea mai eficienta o constituie tratarea bazei butasului cu un gel de inradacinare, ce contine hormoni (in special auxine) si alte substante minerale necesare dezvoltarii unor radacini sanatoase.
Gelul de inradacinare - avantaje
Reprezentand o solutie foarte eficienta pentru inradacinarea butasilor, gelurile au castigat tot mai mult teren in aceasta zona. Sunt folosite la scara larga te majoritatea cultivatorilor profesionisti de flori (in special), pentru inmultirea rapida a unor mari cantitati de plante. Hormoni de inradacinare
Avantajele acestor geluri sunt urmatoarele:
- adera foarte bine la suprafata fragmetelor de plante (butasi) - nu se spala, nu cad de pe butasii pe care sunt aplicate;
- sigileaza ranile butasilor - adica locul taieturii sau locurile din care am rupt frunzele pentru a infige butasul in pamant;
- sunt foarte concentrate in hormoni de inradacinare - de exemplu, gelul Clonex contine hormoni in concentratie de 3000 ppm;
- contin o reteta completa de nutrienti pentru dezvoltarea radacinilor nou formate.
Dupa cum am amintit si mai sus, gelul Clonex este probabil cel mai cunoscut printre cultivatorii de plante ornamentale (flori, arbori, arbusti) pentru rezultatele bune obtinute la inmultirea plantelor in sere, solarii, in pepiniere sau acasa. Cu toate acestea, se poate opta si pentru diverse prafuri (pudre) ce contin auxine, necesare inradacinarii rapide. Fiecare opteaza pentru ceea ce il avantajeaza (financiar, ca timp si ca eficienta), dar este foarte important sa cunoastem macar in mare avantajele folosirii hormonilor de inradacinare si sa profitam la maxim de ele."