By Lutfur1
7 years ago

Do councils have the right to house you


Social housing is most cheap way to find a place to rent and live but do the council have a right to house you well not anymore since the new bill in housing only give council social tenants from 2-5 years to house you and eject you to the private sector according to this bill it does not guarantee any social housing for everyone which limits who is right to be housed by the council and it also means there will be no heirs to the council property from one family member to another.The council right to house you is subject to needs and vulnerability nowadays.

7 years
ze2000 The system needs a deep audit. Money is going to a lot of lazy people and the ones that really need it but are not so noisy don´t get what they need.

PS: why do you always post twice? I answered in the previous one too
7 years
7 years
Lutfur1 I post it on article second time and a post first
7 years