By BenRyanLee
7 years ago

The Philippines in Retrospect

Yesterday I mention about our local beer here in the Philippines called “Red Horse”

What is it and why did it earn the nickname, “Devil’s water”?

Welcome to “The Philippines in retrospect”
With yours truly,
Awesome Ben Ryan Lee

One of the things awesome about my country is that the prices here are affordable. And that includes our liquor.

Here, you can buy a bottle of rum for less than 3 USD.
And as for Red Horse, it is currently almost 2 dollars for a 1-liter bottle. These beasts can kick with the force of 8% alcohol content.

Now, this is very misleading because many foreigners underestimate these creatures and end up wasted. They take on one after another and then suddenly, they drop like flies high on gasoline.

How could 8% be capable of something like that?

Well according to my research, Red Horse has enzymes only Filipinos can process properly. In fact, there is this myth going around that if the logo is that of a happy horse, it is more potent. That has been long busted. The happy logo is attributed to the company still using the old one even after adopting a new logo. The current one is the “I’m dead serious about getting you drunk” Horse logo.

If you ever come over to the Philippines and encounter these notorious Red Horses, grab your nearest jet-pack. Get as far away from them as possible. You are safer in a pool with piranhas than near these wild demonic creatures.

This is Ben Ryan Lee for
”The Philippines in retrospect”

Image is taken from
From their free to use image stocks because only professionals can take photos of them and survive

Awesome Ben Ryan Lee is not an official endorser of Red Horse Beer even if he is a rock star

7 years
Violeta Very interesting
7 years
7 years
Smokey2017 Interesting
7 years
7 years
carmen3521 Cool! Ce faci pe acolo??
7 years
7 years
BenRyanLee @carmen3521 what? I don't speak that language sorry
7 years
7 years
carmen3521 @BenRyanLee ???..waw ... thousands of dear friend apologies! is a friend named RayBan and is from my country Romania. From the rush I did not see your name well. I thought it was him. I was surprised to be in the Philippines and I asked what he was doing there!?..sorry
7 years
7 years
BenRyanLee @carmen3521 oh dyslexic reading eh?
7 years
7 years
carmen3521 @BenRyanLee noo.. while reading about the Philippines, I saw your B and R caps without looking up and focusing on your name. and that's why I was sure it was RayBan. it's just a bad habit of mine reading through the rows or reading it altogether. I look in a place and see what is above or below or below. I see a few letters and I usually realize what it says. almost never look at each word in a text.
7 years
7 years
soncee Great ?
7 years
7 years
waflay Well written article, though I don't drink
7 years
7 years
Shavkat Nice article
7 years
5 years
mili2020 Great job
5 years