8 years ago

The Gay agenda: A totalitarian movement?

When I see Gay Pride parades and I see Channel 4 and the BBC presenting a season of programmes to do with this community it worries me. Before you call me the politically correct term of 'homophobic' hear me out.

How people wish to live their lives is up to them in a freedom loving democracy as we supposedly are but when a community starts marching with flags and an agenda it worries me. This was true of the Nazis and the Communists who also marched with flags and had a political/social agenda.

This is the hallmark of the Gay movement and slowly the Gay or LGBT movement as it is known have been building their movement so that it pervades all walks of life. In a so called freedom loving democracy as we supposedly have if you hold anti-Gay opinions and express them you are made to look out of step with public opinion and labelled 'homophobic'. It has also become against the law to speak openly or express your opposition to gays and related people on social media for example.

The biggest example would be if you are a Christian and are living true to what the Bible says about homosexuals and you are in opposition to their lifestyle. It doesn't mean you hate them as people but you hate the sin they do. In any legal wrangling between Gays and Christians it is usually the Christians who lose out because they are being true to what they believe. But Christians will feel a sense of injustice but then to them in the Bible Christians faced persecution so this is nothing new.

Take the case of Tim Farron outgoing Lib-Dem leader who was asked so many times was he anti-Gay because of his Christian beliefs it became irritating. So what if he was? He was only being true to what the Bible taught and to hold those beliefs of being Christian and being anti-Gay should be his right in a freedom of speech democracy. Oh I forgot political correctness has shut down debate on such things like something oppressive from North Korea so if you are not allowed to speak your mind on things whether it be LGBT, race, religion, whatever we are no longer living in a freedom of speech democracy.

I really don't see why Gays and the wider LGBT have to trumpet what they are with flags and marches after all they have rights before the law now. They can get married and adopt children now like heterosexual people and in some ways the law is more on their side in the examples I have just given.

Could the other reason be with having a flag or having marches that they are really insecure in their identity so they have to do these things to remind them of what they think they are and the world?

Admittedly the LGBT movement is not violent like Islamic extremists but they don't need to be their agenda has become the norm and woe be tide anyone who questions this. This to me is a very frightening state of affairs as it is the state telling us how to think what it acceptable and not and that to me is not right.

8 years
Bilston The reactions and on many occasions the insulting comments of the LGBT movement towards those who desagree with them approaches fascism.
8 years
8 years
Borderline Agree with Bilston, even my gay friends say that
8 years
8 years
LAFFINGKNOME Thanks for your feedback
8 years
8 years
Borderline Well, thanks to you for posting @LAFFINGKNOME, your posts are interesting and we can debate usually
8 years
8 years
LAFFINGKNOME Thanks for all your feedback
8 years
8 years
Maydelene Nice post..
8 years
8 years
8 years