By GregSee1
6 years ago

Starting to Train at Home...Again.

For the last six years I've been training in Taekwondo and I've loved every minute of it. I go twice a week and am due to test for my 1st Dan (1st degree black belt) at the end of this year. Unfortunately, I can't seem to get motivated to really train - by that I mean that I mean training outside of the training center.

Now, I have tried a few times to get into it and train everyday at home and at the center; but I very quickly fall out of the habit. It's also winter where I am right now and temperatures are dropping into the negatives frequently.The cold weather makes it difficult to do most anything now but with the end of the year just 4 or 5 months out; I'm not really sure I get much of a choice in the matter.

A grading is typically divided up as follows: form, weapons, sparring, self defense and a fitness test. The first four sections of the grading we prep for in the training center that's no problem but my fitness and flexibility....who am I kidding my fitness levels in general are buried at the earth's core. While the weapons work worries me, it's the fitness test that has me all twitchy-eyed.

My endurance and flexibility are limited and my core strength sucks so starting tomorrow - Monday, July 29, 2019 - I'm going to start again. Not sure how this is going to work out steps.
6 years
maca1 Great artikle
6 years
6 years
soncee Hi friend nice artikle
6 years
6 years
pesbs Great article.
6 years
6 years
bee I find it's easier to get motivated when you have someone else to train with. Good luck with the test at the end of the year. I'm sure you will do amazingly well ?
6 years
5 years
LAFFINGKNOME Great self voyage of discovery article
5 years