Life Is What You Make It
Making miserable is dependent on the person or the individual on how he lives, he sustains his life. It is the state of the mind on how you want your life to be.
Though, we live to survive but not to make it miserable. Success is subjective. Opportunity is everywhere. It is up to grab it and make use of it profitably or for one's welfare.
I may say that my life may be a miserable but yours is not.
It is a fact that everyone who comes to life like to be happy. He seeks for himself to satisfy his needs, his inadequacy. And once he gets it, he feels contented, satisfied and happy.
It is also a fact that not all people are doing that. Others make their lives miserable. They have a good life, enjoy the amenities of life, and everything. But yet in some ways, they fail and have a miserable life.
image credits: pixabay