Chrono bread
You need it:
1 cup of grated flour
1 cup of buckwheat flour
1 cup of seed (sunflower, tick, linen, sesame)
1 straight, but very small spoonful of sea salt
1 tablespoon of olive oil
1 full of buckwheat psyllium
2 tablespoons of powder for biscuits
3 deciliters of acid water
I mixed dry ingredients, added oil and water. I left the mixture for ten minutes to stand still. Due to less water and psychiatry, I got a compact mixture that I shaped in my eyelids and placed it on a baking sheet in a plough. By night I made three cuts of bread, sprinkled it with flour and put in a heated oven. He was baking for just over half an hour at 220 degrees. I checked it with cacak if it was baked in the middle.As the cover was hard, I pulled it into a wet cloth and left it for 10 minutes. During this time the cover softened slightly, so I put it in a dry cloth and let it rest until the morning.He peeked phenomenally. the cover was still a little harder, the way I like it. Inside, it was soft and rich with seeds. So much so that I could not eat my usual dose of bread, but I had to reduce it a bit. Bread with so many seeds is definitely not for every day, but it's worth it to be honored sometimes.
1 cup of grated flour
1 cup of buckwheat flour
1 cup of seed (sunflower, tick, linen, sesame)
1 straight, but very small spoonful of sea salt
1 tablespoon of olive oil
1 full of buckwheat psyllium
2 tablespoons of powder for biscuits
3 deciliters of acid water
I mixed dry ingredients, added oil and water. I left the mixture for ten minutes to stand still. Due to less water and psychiatry, I got a compact mixture that I shaped in my eyelids and placed it on a baking sheet in a plough. By night I made three cuts of bread, sprinkled it with flour and put in a heated oven. He was baking for just over half an hour at 220 degrees. I checked it with cacak if it was baked in the middle.As the cover was hard, I pulled it into a wet cloth and left it for 10 minutes. During this time the cover softened slightly, so I put it in a dry cloth and let it rest until the morning.He peeked phenomenally. the cover was still a little harder, the way I like it. Inside, it was soft and rich with seeds. So much so that I could not eat my usual dose of bread, but I had to reduce it a bit. Bread with so many seeds is definitely not for every day, but it's worth it to be honored sometimes.
Mirjana23 › Super je hrono hleb ?
soncee › Mnogo je zdravo za jesti ali jas ne obožavam više sam po beli hleb ?
soncee › To je dobro ali ja nikako da se naviknem na ovaj help
soncee › A ti to sama spremaš kodkuče?
maca1 › Takoje domače si je domače uvjek je bolje
soncee › Bravo za tebe jas nikad hleb nisam zamislila kiflice i cvetne pogače da ali hleb neznam da napravim
soncee › Neznam ali ja nikad nisam ni probala da zamesim sramota za mene ??
soncee › Moram i to da probam kada imam vreme ??
OlgaLifeLover › Thosxis reach recepy
svetle76 › vkusno lepce
kavinitu › Yummy delicious
carmen3521 › Great recipe!?