By NyishaHv
7 years ago

Clotted cream , whipped cream or single?

What is double cream?
Okay so lately I have been quite obsessed with clotted cream and whipped cream, or which Americans call 'cool whip', its thick, its sweet, creamy and delicious. What are the different variants of cream?

So what is 'doubled' cream?

>Double cream: When cows’ milk reaches the dairy, it contains a liquid substance called butterfat, and this, when it’s skimmed off the surface of the milk, is cream, or what we know as double cream. It is extremely rich with a minimum fat content of 48 per cent.

>Because of this it can stand being boiled in cooking without separating, and can be whipped to a fluffy, spreadable consistency. When whipping double cream, though, you have to be extra careful, as over-whipping can give a grainy, slightly separated appearance (and if you really overwhip it, you’ll end up with butter). One of the ways to prevent this happening is to add a couple of tablespoons of milk per pint (570 ml) of cream and, if you are using an electric hand whisk, make sure that you turn the speed right down when it looks thick enough. Double cream is also rich and luscious served just as it is, chilled, as a thick pouring cream.

What is whipped cream?

>Whipping cream: This is a lighter version of double cream, with at least 35 per cent fat, and it whips beautifully without being quite so rich. I also think whipping cream is good for adding to on top of desserts, giving you that ‘not-quite-so-high-in-calories’ satisfaction.

What is single cream?

>Single cream: This is a much thinner cream, good for pouring and for cooking with when you need more creaminess than milk. Because it has only a minimum of 18 per cent fat, it’s not suitable for boiling, as it will curdle.

>Extra thick double or single cream: These are as described for double or single cream, but have been treated to give them a consistency that is suitable for spooning on to pies and desserts without having to bother with whisking them first.

Clotted cream: Clotted cream has a unique and special dairy colour, like pale buttercups, and is thick, rich and utterly irresistible. It is a speciality of the rich pastureland of the West Country, and is made by heating the cream to evaporate some of the liquids, so, in a sense, you could call it concentrated cream. It is heaven spread on scones with home-made preserves and extra special on tart fruit pies; yum!

(Photograph from pixabay public domain photos website)
7 years
ze2000 This is interesting @NyishaHv. I actually never heard of these until I arrived to the UK, particularly the clotted one. I remember the first time I tried it with scones and jam and it was an amazing experience!
7 years