By graceaww
8 years ago

Waiting For a New Netflix Season!!!

Waiting for a new season to come out is hard right?

I love Orange is the new black, wentworth, orphan black and many other TV shows on Netflix, but waiting for the new season to come out is long. Of course we are all binge watchers so watching a show in two days is standard. However waiting a whole entire year breaks our hearts.

In addition to this, we have to wait until summer for our favourite Tv shows, surely winter would be a better option right? in the winter we tend to stay indoors and in Summer we do the exact opposite, so why do the best shows come out in Summer?

So some people love Netflix, some people love Amazon prime and some people love Now Tv. Tell me which one you prefer and why by leaving a comment or messaging me.
Also tell me your favourite TV show!

8 years
ze2000 Don´t have netflix, never saw the value.
8 years