By AnceAne
5 years ago

The Pearl in The Balkans-Ohrid Lake

Ohrid lake is the oldest, the deepest natural lake in the Balkans, in Europe and has the clearest water. It is located in the city of Ohrid, Republic of Macedonia. This lake is a natural habitat of numerous underwater plants and fish, to be specific more than 200 endangered species. Here you can find species one of their kind, that live in no other lake or sea in the world, but in the Ohrid lake. Such unique sample and natural treasure is the Ohrid's trout or originally known as "Ohridska pastrmka" in our native language. This lake has a part that is situated in our neighbor country Albania and the biggest part is in Ohrid. There is a small portion of it that is a part of the national park Galicica. This lake is protected by UNESCO as a natural heritage of Ohrid and Macedonia in 1979. It is an amazing destination to enjoy your holidays with your beloved ones during the summer season, cruise, swim or just enjoying the stunning view and the sound of the waves.
5 years
5 years
5 years
AnceAne Thanks ?@SmallPotato
5 years
5 years
SmallPotato @AnceAne welcome, my friend?
5 years
5 years
Vale Najubavoto ezero na Balkanot
5 years
5 years
Strabunica013 Spectacular place !?
5 years
5 years
storyteller888 it's very lovely?
5 years
5 years
Strabunica013 Good afternoon , my dear ! ?‍♀️???? I wish you a happy and blessed Sunday ! ?????
5 years