By RalRey
7 years ago



"This is good and pleasing in the eyes of God our Saviour; Whose desire is that all men may have salvation and come to the knowledge of what is true" (I Timothy 2:3-4)

The Bible for many people is any book, a book like any other. An important work of universal literature and nothing else. A book that consists of a collection of writings of legendary stories, poetry and religion.

On the other hand, also, The Bible, is for many, a book that presents the history of a people, the Hebrew people, in relation to their revered god. A terrible and ruthless god who dictates his laws, statutes and precepts so that they are obeyed by a people that is sometimes submissive, humiliated and helpful, facing the majesty and power of that god who rewards them; and other times rebellious, disobedient and contradictory people who are punished with all kinds of evils for their mistakes, faults and sins.

But the Bible is also, for a large part of humanity, a book of divine origin, a book that comes from the unique, living, true and wise God, YHVH God, Creator of the Universe and Creator and life giver, written by approximately forty men to whom YHVH God has guided in his thoughts to write the truth and reveal it to the world: his plans and purposes, his will, expressed in ancient times and in today's times.

For a large part of humanity, the Bible is not a simple book, or a simple collection of books of certain cultural and historical importance, but it is a book of life and for life. The Bible is a special book, it is the most important book of all books, the book of books, the father of books. It is a book that reveals the truth and gives the life that God has created to all those who want to believe and receive it.

The Bible is the revealed Word and the Will of God for the man of today in these times of change and in the person of the one who changes the times, the Lord Jesus Christ.

#karibearteralrey 5/9/2018
7 years
soncee Wonderful artikle nice story
7 years
7 years
frenchqueen The bible is a history and a book of all knowledge. Everything we need to know is in the bible. It answers almost everything..
7 years
7 years
Violeta Very nice article
7 years
7 years
viktorija64 nice story
7 years
7 years
RalRey @frenchqueen It responds to everything that man needs to know so that he can have the abundant life that God wants him to have, which he put at his disposal in His Son Jesus Christ. He said: "I have come that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly" (John 10:10).
7 years
7 years
maca1 So nice story
7 years
7 years
RalRey @soncee Very good, I like that you like it
7 years
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RalRey @Violeta Thank you.
7 years
7 years
7 years
7 years
RalRey @maca1 ? ?
7 years
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DAIANAGABAR Hello dear very good article
7 years
7 years
RalRey Hi Daiana, thanks for reading and commenting
7 years
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Justin Very interesting
7 years
7 years
RalRey @Justin Because it's interesting? What makes this article interesting for you, Justin?
7 years
7 years
sabtraversa I sometimes enjoy listening or reading the interpretations of parts of the Bible, especially when they use the text in the original language, but there can be given several different interpretations for the translated texts too. I believe that’s the beauty of the Bible, it can talk to each of us personally and individually. ?
7 years
7 years
RalRey @sabtraversa Yes, it certainly is, in a certain way, because God wants a personal relationship with each of his creatures, and especially with each one of his children, but we must keep in mind, understand clearly, as the apostle Peter says in his second letter , that the Scriptures are not of private interpretation. The Word of God is one and for all equally. The different interpretations of translated texts, as you say, produce contradictions, controversies and confusion.
7 years