By Bilston
8 years ago


Siurana is a little catalan village located at the top of a scarpment in the Prades mountains (Tarragona, Spain), sorrounded by gorgeous landscapes and climbing walls, with incomparable views of the Siurana Reservoir and the surrounding valley.
Beautiful village with medieval houses and cobblestone streets, where you can see the rests of a moorish stronghold and it's Romanesque church.
This was the last Muslim stronghold in the territory now called Catalunya. Tortosa and Miravet had already fallen when Siurana still resisted. The cliffs and its powerful castle cut the path and made it practically an inpregnable place.
The legend explains that before being overwhelmed by the Christians, the Moorish queen, Abdelazia, preferred to cast herself off the summit with her horse. The animal, terrified in its futile resistance, left the permanent imprint of its horseshoe on the rock.

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7 years
Shavkat I like to explore this place in the future
7 years