By Strabunica013
5 years ago



'' One day, a dairyman receives a summons from the court,
being sued by a baker.

The man, very worried, kept wondering what was wrong with him.
But the baker knew: he accused the milkman of cheating on him
scales when he sells butter.

Thus, after the dairyman brought him a pound of butter and left,
the baker weighed the butter in the presence of two witnesses.
And, indeed, his suspicions were justified.
Instead of 1 kg of butter, it had received 900 gr, 800 gr ... they were
situations when he received only 750 grams of butter.

At trial, the judge asks the milkman:

- Say, did you weigh the butter you sell?

- No, Mr. Judge, I have not!

- Well, then how do you claim to sell butter with a kilo?

- Well, you see!
I have a balance. I put a pound of bread on one side of the balance
that I buy from the baker, and on the other side, I put butter until the balance is balanced! ''
5 years
Deliana Very interesting article! Thanks for sharing, my dear! ???
5 years
5 years
SmallPotato Thank you for your sharing.?
5 years
5 years
dorageorg So nice article!?
5 years
5 years
Strabunica013 @Deliana @SmallPotato @dorageorg Thank you very much, my dear friends , for the visit! ? ? ? ? ?
5 years
5 years
SmallPotato @Strabunica013 my pleasure ?
5 years
5 years
Deliana @Strabunica013 You're welcome, my dear! ???
5 years
5 years
younnesa It's a great Article!!?
5 years
5 years
storyteller888 great article?
5 years
5 years
Strabunica013 @younnesa @storyteller888 Thank you very much, my dear friends , for the visit! ? ? ? ? ?
5 years
5 years
storyteller888 You are welcome.
5 years
5 years
Strabunica013 @storyteller888 I will always gladly wait your comments, my dear friends !? ? ?
5 years
5 years
Doinita73 ?
5 years
5 years
Strabunica013 @Doinita73 Thank you very much, my dear friend , for the visit! ? ? ? ? ?
5 years
5 years
Doinita73 ?
5 years
5 years
5 years
Strabunica013 @Doinita73 Thank you very much, my dear friend , for the visit! ? ? ? ? ?
5 years
4 years
mili2020 Delicious
4 years
4 years
Strabunica013 @mili2020 Thank you very much, dear friend, for the visit! ?????
4 years