By Michellekidwell
6 years ago

Jerusalem Rising: Adah’s Journey


Jerusalem Rising: Adah's Journey

by Barbara M. Britton

Pelican Book Group

Christian , General Fiction (Adult)

Pub Date 10 Nov 2017

I am reviewing a copy of Jerusalem Rising:Adah’s Journey through Pelican Book Group and Netgalley:

Adah bat Shallum is seventeen years old. She is a dutiful daughter, but she understands her Father lacks a heir now. Some look at daughters as curses.

Adah finds the governor weeping over the crumbling walls of Jerusalem, while there she learns the reason for Nehemia’s visit God has called him to rebuild the wall around the City of David.

Nehemiah is there to challenge the people of God to labor on the wall and in exchange the names of their Fathers will Be written in the annals for generations to cherish. Adah though only has one sister and no brothers, will her Father be remembered?

Can Adah and her family still honor God’s call with no sons, or will their mission be destroyed?

Find out in Jerusalem Rising, Adah’s Journey.

Five out of five stars!

Happy Reading!
6 years
GinaEastabrooks Thanks for sharing dear
6 years
6 years
Michellekidwell @Gina you are most welcome
6 years
6 years
MegyBella Great
6 years
6 years
Lucia5 Super post
6 years
6 years
Ravidxb Good one
6 years
6 years
soncee Nice
6 years