History of chocolate
For Your information
When the Spanish conquering the New World that chocolate became such an important part of our food culture today.
In the mid seventeenth century the custom of drinking chocolate spread to Europe and drunk by royalty and aristocrats. Chocolate was very expensive and very fashionable. Chocolate houses opened and the taste for chocolate was spreading.In 1657 London’s first chocolate house opened where chocolate was sold as a drink and in the form of a cake which could be taken home.In the 1700s the first chocolate factories were opened changing the history of chocolate forever. The first factory in Britain was established in 1728 and in Germany in 1756.By 1730 the cultivation of cocoa had expanded dramatically reducing the price of cocoa. The industrial revolution enabled chocolate to be produce in large quantities making it cheaper and accessible to a wider population.It was the Swiss who finally made the first true chocolate becoming internationally recognised and refining the production process firmly establishing chocolate as part of daily life the world over by the twentieth century.
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When the Spanish conquering the New World that chocolate became such an important part of our food culture today.
In the mid seventeenth century the custom of drinking chocolate spread to Europe and drunk by royalty and aristocrats. Chocolate was very expensive and very fashionable. Chocolate houses opened and the taste for chocolate was spreading.In 1657 London’s first chocolate house opened where chocolate was sold as a drink and in the form of a cake which could be taken home.In the 1700s the first chocolate factories were opened changing the history of chocolate forever. The first factory in Britain was established in 1728 and in Germany in 1756.By 1730 the cultivation of cocoa had expanded dramatically reducing the price of cocoa. The industrial revolution enabled chocolate to be produce in large quantities making it cheaper and accessible to a wider population.It was the Swiss who finally made the first true chocolate becoming internationally recognised and refining the production process firmly establishing chocolate as part of daily life the world over by the twentieth century.
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