By NyishaHv
6 years ago

Has someone ever made a Complaint at university/work about you?

What is a complaints procedure? A complaints procedure is the procedure by which is taken when someone makes a complaint against you whether it is in a profession, or in education. My university has a complaints procedure, it expresses that students have the right to complain against a party that is causing them distress under the universities specific codes of conduct. This means esentially that all students have to adhere to our universities 'codes of conduct', which sets out a system of behaviour which is expected by each student at that university.

What are your rights.
You have the right to counter-complain, if you feel that someones complaint has been taken out of context, or is dishonest or if it is infactual. To my experience I have been complained against but it was an unfair complaint, so I composed a counter-complain setting out my side of the story. The result is still pending, but I have resolved relations with the other party that complained as it all boiled down to a misunderstanding on the other parties behalf which I accept.


It is important that whether in work or whether in a university, you have to uphold good, positive behaviour in relation to other students. You must be respectful to other students; you must also respect other students point of view which is expressed to. And for instance should another student offend, slander or harass you to a point where it demeans you or makes you feel uncomfortable, you have the right to complain.

An etymology is the origins of words and how their meanings have changed throughout history. I think it will be interesting to see what the word 'complain' meant historically and these are my findings:

Complain from Middle English complaynen; from Old French complaindre, from Medieval Latin complangere (“to bewail, complain”), from Latin com- (“together”) + plangere (“to strike, beat, as the breast in extreme grief, bewail”)

Now the words complain and complaint:

Complaint: by a modern definition means 'a statement that something is unsatisfactory or unacceptable.'

To 'complain' means to: express dissatisfaction or annoyance about something.

So if you have ever had anyone complain against you remember you also have rights. You may have the right to counter-complain or address the complaint and address what you are being accused of and respectfully express your view. You must understand that complains can also be withdrawn also, so if someone complains against you, if they establish that you are not blameworthy for a complaint and they could perhaps address the predicament in an alternative way. Lastly, remember that a complaint implies accusation, so if someone has made a formal complaint against you, keep calm and remember that the outcome of the complaint may not always be at you think. And if it is, then you also have rights as an employee or a university student.

By NyishaHv

Thankyou for reading

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