By Strabunica013
4 years ago

"Goodbye 2020 and welcome 2021..

"Goodbye 2020 and welcome 2021..
I feel a deep sense of Gratitude (mixed with relief) that 2020 is coming to an end and that 2021 is born with a Celestial Bang!
Under this powerful flood of Galactic LIGHT CODES, we can release everything that was the year 2020 and we can prepare to become a strong Spiral of manifestation and creation in the new frequencies of the Earth in 2021.
5D Heaven Energy is NOW here, and to fully experience it, we simply need to start being in it. So, it's time to start being in the 5D being we are and start living from our hearts.
This year 2021 there will be massive NEW ENERGY. . . filled with NEW CODES of information, discoveries, revelations, compassion, benevolence, beauty, magic and new inventions.
In January 2021, there will be a very strong energy ... a very strong light wave will enter our atmosphere and will be fully felt around January 6 and will move until January 22.
In the spring of 2021, a major celestial event will transpire on this planet, making way for the long-awaited NEW EARTH.
At that time, our cells will be instantly recoded into a SUPERIOR command and our stratified bodies will be able to process a much more advanced level of cosmic data, causing the reality of our outer matrix to transform into NEW Earth / Sky Frequency.
Things will NOT continue as always on Earth and Change is finally here, where LIGHT begins to gain over darkness. . . where the fog of duality begins to rise as part of the COSMIC LAW.
The year 2021 is a time of great reunion and the celebrations of freedom will break out all over the planet, as it is released after eons of being in the dark.
This is a great NOW move for humanity. . .
We all wake up from our dreams. . .
A new SUPERIOR Consciousness appears. . . something great happens in which people cling to their own empowerment and cling to their own infinity. . . and it becomes very contagious.
It's time to start this party!
2021 will be a magical year! As the clock strikes midnight this New Year's Eve, when the energetic pulse moves entirely to the instant manifestation.
Be aware of how you create. Ask yourself, do you create from a distorted vibrational frequency from a fragmented past life, or do you create from the DIVINE Pattern of Christ Consciousness?
So enjoy the new reality of 5D sky energy in 2021.. This is a critical year of change.
A magical happy New Year to all! "
Source: Pars Kutay

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4 years
Marinche80 Beautiful article ?
4 years
4 years
simona Frumos!
4 years
4 years
simona ???
4 years
4 years
Strabunica013 Thanks for visiting and comments, dear friends ! ??? @Marinche80 @simona
4 years
4 years
Marinche80 @Strabunica013 you're welcome ?
4 years
4 years
Strabunica013 I will always gladly wait your comments, my dear friend !? ? ? @Marinche80
4 years
4 years
simona Cu mult drag, intotdeauna!
4 years
4 years
Strabunica013 I will always gladly wait your comments, my dear friend !? ? ? @simona
4 years