By Borderline
7 years ago

Air plane wrecks around the world

Hi there,

As yesterday I posted the ship wrecks around the world, today is the turn of the air plane wrecks. The pictures that I have uploaded are pictures from crashed planes or abandoned planes due to aging.

I don´t really like flying but I like planes. I also like to see them mixed with the environment after a life of service. Unfortunately the Air Plane wrecks are not that common due to the fact that they are not considered grave yards as the ships unless it happened underwater, and when one of them crashes it will be removed straight away.

Also the remaining of a plane after a crash is practically 0, is not like a ship. The wrecks that we can find is because they were somewhere lost and they were really hard to find.

Also the survivor number of a plane crash is quiet low. Despite of this, I always heart that the airplane is the safest way to travel. It makes sense as there is not too many plane accidents per year.

Have fun

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