By RalRey
7 years ago



A special moment with God
- Poetic prose-

I woke up with the dawn. The need to kneel down to seek my God in prayer and read his Word urged my soul. I do not know what, but something worries me. It always happens that the Holy Spirit says to the son of God: get up to pray, the Father wants to bless you, do not delay.

The true believer, the good son of God, is always in communication with the Divine, in continuous prayer, but as in any relationship of love, there are special moments. This was a very special moment, an extraordinary event.

The perfume of my wife and the warm presence of her body next to mine, the desire to remain huddled by her side, the seemingly incomplete dream, without finishing the period of rest, and all that is awake to hinder the blessings of heaven, It made me doubt, they urged me to stop, to postpone, that sublime moment. But I won, the power of the spirit helped me get up and get out.

Before going to my study, to humble myself in front of the altar of God, I went out to the patio to contemplate the dawn. Scarcely, very faintly, the first glimmerings of the dawn began to appear, over the most wonderful of blues, behind the mountains.

As I looked towards the source of light of the rising sun, I received the first blessing that the Creator wanted to grant me, the auroral spectacle of the moon accompanied by the morning star, and like a curtain of mouth, dark clouds that wanted to hide it.

Then I looked west to see more, and they gave me the second blessing; another blue, perhaps more intense than the east, mixed with an intense gray lead, which covered the place where the star king dies. The spectacle of the sunset side complemented a group of white clouds, like cotton flakes, that served as a backdrop to the green mountains of the Valley of Los Caribes.

With these spectacular images filling my being and grateful for all that natural splendor of creation, I went to pray. But seeing it well, I say better, I continued in prayer; Now in a more intimate, more reverent and special way. Pray continually, says the apostle. And the Lord asks us to express our cry to God, at all times with thanksgiving.

Closing my eyes, clasping my hands and bowing my neck, I first gave thanks for life, full, abundant; for each and every one of his blessings, for his immeasurable love, for his great mercy, for the forgiveness of my sins, for the light of his Spirit in me, for the living presence of the Christ alive in my being. And for much more.

Then I asked for blessings, in fervent and believing prayer, for the Church, the children of God, his servants, the leaders, ministers, those who preach the gospel of Jesus Christ, for those who communicate the Word.

I made a prayer to Heaven for my fellow writers, for the poets, for the men and women who work every day in the art of speaking, of exposing the oral and written word, of the plastic image, of photography. To receive healing, so that they may receive inspiration and motivation to work, so that they may be blessed with the knowledge of God and his Son Jesus Christ, through the divine Scriptures, which contain the will and purposes of the Father. A secret once hidden and now discovered.

I made a plea for humanity, for today's man and woman. For justice and peace. Also for the families, for mine, for my wife and my children, for my grandchildren, so that they are protected from all evil, from negative influences, from all danger. For friends, neighbors, fellow citizens, for Venezuelans and for the rest of the world. I prayed to God for me and for much more.

Then I went to my Bible and read in the Old Testament about the story of King David in the first book of Samuel -I SAMUEL-. I read about the old life, about the new life and the social duties of the believer, in Paul's letter to the Colossians-COLOSSIANS-of the New Testament. And here I read a little more, about the Spirit of God, the spirit of Antichrist, Love, the faith that overcomes the world, the testimony of the Spirit and the knowledge of eternal life, in the first letter of the Apostle John -I Juan -.

At the end of my morning prayer, I looked out the window, the sun had risen, the day began. Everything was silent, but to tell the truth, not so much, paying more attention, I noticed that the birds were singing in the garden. The pleasant scent of freshly brewed coffee perfumed the room, an unmistakable sign that my wife was already awake; kindly gave me a cup, I drank happily, with joy and gratitude in my heart, and I felt a blessed man.

@ralrey / Tuesday 4/9/2018

7 years
Justin Very interesting
7 years
7 years
RalRey Thank you, @Justin, for reading and commenting.
7 years
7 years
kavinitu Very interesting
7 years
7 years
RalRey @kavinitu Thank you, for your reading and comment
7 years
7 years
Explorer2017 What a litany of closed and fervent communication with the Lord Almighty. The prayer of faith of God's believer like is always answered. You're indeed blessed, brother.
7 years
7 years
vijay011 lvery interesting article.
7 years
7 years
OlgaLifeLover yes, you are
7 years
7 years
7 years
7 years
RalRey @vijay011 Thank you
7 years
7 years
RalRey @OlgaLifeLover Glory to YHVH God!
7 years
7 years
blissfulliberty Indeed! Thank u for the inspiration!
7 years
6 years
Shavkat Nice to know that
6 years
6 years
RalRey @Shavkat OK ???
6 years
6 years
Shavkat @RalRey c",)
6 years