By Lutfur1
7 years ago

Miracles do happen

Miracles do happen

Recent pictures of a line of whales stranded on shore the beach in New Zealand captured the headline no one knew how the whales would survive. The rescue teams were there to try there best of keeping them alive but no ideas came up then at last a high tide of wave came on shore and the whales slipped back into the water in the ocean now that's miracle. It's miracle that happens to prove man gods work is more effective and he is life saving and shows his creation is of miracle and if it can happen to a line of stranded whales it can happen to any of us if God willing to do so.
7 years
ze2000 so many signs that we are destroying our planet, but we keep ignoring them....
7 years
7 years
Borderline agree with @ze2000
7 years