Cigarettes - The Dangers of Smoking
My real addiction is definitely smoking, sadly, I am only 22 and I don't think I will ever stop. Smoking is something that affects a vast amount of people world-wide. I have even bared witness to the horrific truths of smoking which is: some Elderly people do it, and even some children. Do taxes on cigarettes bring in enough revenue to cover what smoking costs the government?
We know they bring in about £12 billion in direct tax revenues, although that doesn't count other contributions of the tobacco industry to total tax take (for instance income tax paid by employees).And the cost side of this equation is even trickier to pin down. Estimates suggest costs anywhere between £3 billion and £6 billion for NHS treatments in a given year. In the longer term the total cost might be lower, since some of those who die prematurely due to smoking might otherwise have gone on to cost the service even more money due to other health conditions.
Furthermore, NHS treatment isn't the only cost to the government, which spends money on things like sweeping up cigarette butts and putting out fires caused by cigarettes. It also loses tax revenue from lost productivity when people are made ill by smoking. Even though I desire to give up on smoking cigarettes, it may be something I love, but its also something detrimental to my health. Every year in the UK there are on over 2,000 deaths per year relating to smoking alone.
"The UK goverment makes tax revenue from tobacco in 2012/13 amounted to £12.3 billion – £9.7 billion in excise duty plus £2.6 billion in VAT. The total tax burden (excise duty plus VAT) accounts for 88% of the price of the cheapest cigarettes on sale in the UK" (
It's known that in the UK we get free health care, but that doesn't mean we should abuse that fact, and what if we are incurable. When I was a younger smoker, at the age of 17 I met a girl sitting out side the hospital having a cigarette, I decided to join her. She had asked me what I was in for, I asked her the same and she replied "I have irreversable long disease", I turned to her and asked: "What does that mean", she turned to me looked downwards and said: "It means my lungs are as black as your leggings..." She had another 4 years to live, this is me typing to you more than four years later; I wonder all the time if she is still alive. I hope so...
By NyishaHv
Thankyou for reading :] Hope this article has helped those who smoke
(Photograph from
Smokey doesn’t drink
Smokey just love to do the hippy hippy shake yeah