By Maydelene
8 years ago

The " Laugh "

If you're infront of your friends and you give a joke and everyones laughing! And then you want to start another topic and suddenly you heard someone in the crowd laughing loudly! But few seconds pasts already after your joke! What would this be?? Maybe like the saying.. " He who Laugh last! Obviously did not get the joke! Am i correct?? Hmmmh!!! Prior to this when you're talking to your friends this man who laughed last.. was too busy looking at his Mobile.. and when you give joke..! Well that was it... If im that person i will not Laugh! Cause its late reaction already... hahaha..
8 years
bibinvarghese yes you are correct lol
8 years
8 years
Maydelene Well obviously hehe...
8 years
7 years
Nhatz True.hahaahahah
7 years