By evanmurray
22 days ago

6 Types of Fitness Cookies with Yoga

More and more often people start to take care of their health and switch to healthy eating. The difficulty on this path is giving up sweets, because many of us see our snacks or breakfasts as sweets. It is from these habits that extra pounds eventually come out, which can only be gotten rid of by getting rid of bad eating habits.

By giving up all the tasty foods, we turn healthy eating into unbearable torment, this cannot be allowed. It is important to find a tasty and safe alternative to your favorite unhealthy foods, so as not to suffer from restrictions. Surprisingly, even such a high-calorie thing as cookies can be suitable for dietary nutrition. The main thing is to know the magic recipe for fitness cookies

Soft cookies for hard muscles
Everyone needs something sweet, including people who want to build muscle. But not all sweets are suitable, regular candies and cookies are contraindicated for athletes. Another thing is oatmeal fitness cookies, each ingredient of which is undeniably healthy and tasty.

You will need:

Oat flakes – 30 g

Coconut flour – 40 g

Banana – 1 pc.

Egg - 1 white

Kefir – 150 ml

Bran – 20 g


Baking powder

Mix all dry and liquid ingredients and beat until smooth using a blender. Divide the mixture into small balls, flatten them and place them on a baking sheet. Put the cookies in the oven and bake for 10 minutes at 180 degrees.

The joy of losing weight
Reducing the amount of calories you get per day is not that difficult. Sometimes it is enough to simply find healthier analogues of the food you are used to eating every day. If you replace your usual desserts with these low-calorie cottage cheese cookies, you can reduce the calorie content of your diet by almost 200 units.

You will need:

Low-fat cottage cheese – 150 g

Oat flakes – 130 g

Banana – 1 pc.

Dried fruits – 25 g

Cut the banana into rings, mix it with oatmeal and cottage cheese. Beat the mixture with a blender until smooth. Then add dried fruits to the cookie base and mix. Leave the mixture to soak for half an hour, then form balls out of it and place on a baking sheet. Bake in an oven preheated to 180 degrees for half an hour until the top of the pastry is browned.

The strength of Hercules
fitness_cookies (2)

There is much talk about the benefits of porridge , but they themselves in their usual form can become boring. There is a good option for getting all the benefits of cereals in a new form. By preparing the lowest-calorie cookies, you will provide your body with all the elements that one of the most useful cereals is rich in - rolled oats.

You will need:

Kefir – 200 ml

Hercules - 200 g

Natural honey – 4 tbsp.

Cinnamon – 1 tsp.

Dried fruits - to taste

Mix rolled oats with kefir and leave for half an hour. After that, check the consistency of the resulting mass, it should be dense, mushy. If necessary, add more kefir. Mix all the ingredients together, having previously chopped the dried fruits. Cover the baking sheet with parchment and put the mass on it, distributed in small lumps in the form of cookies. Bake for about half an hour at a temperature of 200 degrees.

Honey cookies
Few people can consume honey in its usual form, because it is extremely sweet, but no less useful product. By preparing honey cookies, you will remove its cloying taste, and get a delicious dessert with a pleasant, tasty aroma of fresh honey. Its quantity depends on your personal preferences, the recipe for these cookies requires from 1 to 4 tbsp. honey.

You will need:

Kefir – 200 g

Oatmeal - 1 cup

Natural honey – 4 tbsp.

Soaked raisins – 2 tbsp.



Soak the cereal in kefir and leave for 45 minutes. Then add the soft raisins, washed well and soaked in boiling water, and other ingredients. Mix thoroughly, form cookies from the dough and place them on a baking sheet. Put it in the oven, preheated to 180 degrees, for half an hour.

Cookies for true sweet tooths
There are many chocolate lovers among athletes, because this delicacy is not the most harmful among existing ones, and in some ways even useful. If you cannot give up sweet and unsafe milk chocolate, then try replacing it with dark chocolate. With it, you can make wonderful cookies, showing a little imagination.

You will need:

Oatmeal - 130 g

Dark chocolate - 30 g

Prunes – 50 g

Banana – 1 pc.

Milk – 100 ml

Honey – 2 tbsp.

Divide the oatmeal into two parts, one of which needs to be ground. Chop the prunes, grate the chocolate on a coarse grater, beat the milk, banana and honey with a blender. Mix all the ingredients thoroughly and put them on a baking sheet. Bake at 180 degrees until the top of the cookies is browned.

Final Words

Whether or not to give up sweets completely during the period of weight loss is your choice. With a huge selection of safe sweets, you can allow yourself tasty snacks without harming your figure With them, you can eat right, without making huge efforts of will, leaving them for the gym.