By indexer
7 years ago

The Zafimaniry people of Madagascar

The Zafimaniry people live in around 100 villages scattered throughout the forested highlands of south-east Madagascar. They are agriculturalists who are also known for their fine woodwork and intricate carving.

There are probably fewer than 20,000 Zafimaniry alive today, speaking their own language and Malagasy. They hold animist, spirit-based beliefs.

Zafimaniry houses are built from wood, bamboo and vegetable fibres. When a young couple set up home together they build a simple house that is in keeping with the newness of their relationship, but over time they will add extensions to the house until it becomes a solid, permanent building. This is partly to accommodate a growing family but is also symbolic of their strengthening relationship.
7 years
fortune I somewhere have read that carving art of this ethnic group of Madagascar is preserved by World Heritage . It should be very impressive and valuable. Or may I mixed something.
7 years
7 years
indexer @fortune That sounds like something worth exploring further.
7 years