By luluarte
8 years ago

São Lourenço- Santa Maria Azores

São Lourenço Bay, located in the northeast part of Santa Maria, constitutes a unique landscape – a huge semi-conical slope, much like a half of a volcanic crater, entirely covered by dry stone wine corrals and bordered by a series of white houses on the water edge.

During the descent by the slope of the bay, as by the viewpoint of the Espigão, is visible one of the largest and richest local landscape - the terraced vineyards arranged in a natural amphitheater. Vineyards traditionally cultivated of smell grapes, these were collected in pastel baskets and carried in shoulder, by human force through the slope, for later making the traditional Smell Wine and Sweet Wine, which are still the delight of the youngest.

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8 years
Sheryl gorgeous view
8 years