Roles and Responsibilities of a Teacher
Summary of this practical sheet
1 Interaction with students
2 School support
3 Advancement of education
4 Leadership
Interaction with students
Teachers have a responsibility to provide sound instruction to students within a defined curriculum. This means that by the end of a semester or school year, students should have acquired a working and usable knowledge of what they have been taught within the framework of state standards. Teachers are also responsible for maintaining good relationships with students and providing a safe place for students to come with questions or problems. In addition, a teacher may choose to take on the role of mentor to students who show an interest in a subject that goes beyond what is taught in the classroom.
Advancement of education
Because educational policies and practices change over time, with changing society, student needs and even changing laws, teachers have a responsibility to keep abreast of the latest technologies, methods, research and trends in the field in order to provide students with an education adapted to the real world. Depending on the school budget, a teacher may not always be able to purchase items with school funds to support this goal, they may decide to take on the role of supplier - purchase classroom materials - or as an advocate - lobby for more funds to help with the purchase of school supplies.
All teachers bear the responsibility of leadership. As teachers, they are naturally the student leaders in their classrooms and must maintain order, enforce school rules and policies, organize parent-teacher conferences and lead by example, by demonstrating good communication and interpersonal skills. In addition to these responsibilities, a teacher may decide to transform this leadership into a volunteer role in the school, serving on committees, initiating community projects, advocating for changes in the school or district, and advocating for the needs or rights of a student or even several students.