By Lutfur1
7 years ago

Daylights zone mystery

Daylights zone mystery

As you know this new year the time was 1 seconds Ionger than last year this means its longer daylight than previously so how can this be well how can there be shorter days in the winter and longer days in summer it happens so it's interesting the earth rotates round the sun to bring daylight and night fall so called sunrise and sunset but wait it's quickly sunsets in winter than in summer so it gets faster rotating the sun in winter than in summer. It's going to get longer daylight than night fall in coming years ahead. Will there be a reverse there maybe as it was in the past longer nights and shorter daylights.
7 years
Tiggerfantoo its all a mystery, only scientist understand fully. I think the earth has slightly changed its orbit recently only by a fraction, but its that that is causing global warming.
7 years