By Dawn96h
7 years ago

Craving for ice and cleaning products

I always find it odd how people get cravings during pregnancy,like I had a few people tell me the weird things they've craved like eating sponges or charcoal! The craving I got towards the end of my pregnancy is ice and cleaning products! Like obviously I wasn't ingesting the cleaning products but I wanted to soo bad! It smelt so clean and pure bliss! At work I'd always be doing the washing up and where I work in creams I was washing 100s of plates and cutlery! I'd also wash up the cloths we'd use and just sit there and smell how nice they smell again! I'd do the mopping up as well cos I loved the smell of the flash we'd use,ahhh can just picture the smell now
7 years
complicated my friend didn't have any cravings however where she used to love red meat during her pregnancy she used to hate the smell and sight of it,
7 years
7 years
bee I used to crave for nandos
7 years