By Priscilla
8 years ago

Fried potatoes with vegetables

Tasty recipe for fried potatoes with vegetables.

Necessary products:

0.5 kg potatoes
4-5 pickled cucumbers
3-4 medium sized carrots
1 onion
2 peppers
0.200 g mushrooms
Spices - salt, oil

First wash the potatoes well and let them boil. Until they're done, cut carrots and peppers into thin strips.
Cut the onion and the mushrooms finely and confuse them with the rest of the vegetables, then all of this is also to be boiled.
Once the potatoes are ready, peel them and cut them.
Add to them the cooked vegetables as well as the pickled cucumbers and season with salt to taste.
All this is fried in a hot pan while the potatoes get a nice golden-brown color.

Enjoy... :)
8 years
fifileigh it looks good.
8 years