By AnceAne
7 years ago

Blackberry Cupcakes

Write the article hereIngredients:

1 egg
2-3 liquids
80gr of acid sour cream or 2 full liquids
30ml yogurt
60ml butter
1 vanilla
1 lychee cakes
150gr flour
150 gr fresh water, sugar in the right way.


We put the egg in a wang, we add the sugar and matte to the whitening.
With an exclusive mixer, we add vanilla, yogurt, butter, sour cream, plain flour, and pastries.
With a wire or a mixer, we combine all the ingredients at the lowest speed.
We filled the cupcakes for up to 2/3.
Every one of us lays a fresh cap on each of the lizards
Stove in a heated oven at 200 s, about 20 minutes.
We leave it for 5-10 minutes.
We remove the paper and use it.
According to the desire, it is possible to dress with sugar, so that they can split with melted chocolate.
7 years
Michellekidwell Looks so good
7 years
7 years
annie07 Looks good
7 years
7 years
soncee Yummy
7 years
7 years
maca1 Ubava recepta
7 years
7 years
fortune Looks delicious ❤❤
7 years
7 years
Frenki yuum
7 years
6 years
marija64 This looks great. It's probably also tasty.
6 years