By ze2000
9 years ago

How to raise your number of followers on Twitter

Twitter is a very powerful tool for professionals and people that use the internet for a living. Here are a few good tips to raise the number of followers and growing your network.

1. Upload a nice profile picture and write your personal or professional bio. Some users just browse the huge database of users looking for new people to follow. Make sure they see you!

2. Tweet frequently, be visible! Write about anything but stay alive. If you write about recent events you can also get in the loop of the hashtags.

3. Retweet your best shots! Don´t be shy and let more people enjoy your best moments! Sometimes people miss the tweets the first time, let them engage.

4. Follow you, follow me. Follow people, the more the best. If they follow back make sure you keep following them. If you stop following someone probably that person will also stop following you. It´s a two way relationship, and this is important unless you are someone famous enough to get followers without asking for it!

5. Chat with famous people. Twitter allows you to tweet anyone, and sometimes you will be lucky enough to get a retweet and suddenly visible to thousands or millions of people. So make the best of your show comment and cross fingers!

It is easy to go up to a 1000 users in less than 2 weeks, give it a try. Enjoy!
7 years
James Thanks, gave me something to think about.
7 years