By Bunkazai
7 years ago

Coffee in Italy

Well, Italy is not only art. When you hear about italian food you, in particular, neapolitan food, you imagine pasta and pizza, and maybe it gets a little boring and cliché.

So, here comes the coffee time.

When we just order a coffee in Italy, they will give you an espresso (you don't have to say you want an espresso, it is like they know coffee = espresso) but if you want another type of coffee you can choose among:

- Caffè (espresso 100% coffee - concentrate flavour, small amount of water and strong flavour, served in a little cup)

- (Caffè) Latte Machiato - (90% milk and 10 % coffee. They serve this one on a glass)

- (Caffè) Machiato (95% coffee and 5% milk, the cup has the same size as the espresso)

- Cappucino (50%coffee and 50 % milk with milk foam)

- (Caffè) RIstretto, lungo, doppio (Ristretto is less strong than espresso. Lungo has more water and doppio has the double amount of coffee and water than espresso)

- Caffè Latte (50% coffee, 50% milk)

- Caffè d'orzo (actually is not a coffee because orzo is a caffeine-free roasted grain beverage made from ground barley with the same size as the espresso)

- Decaffeinato (decaffeinated)

They can ask you if you want it "zuccherato" which means they can add it a sugar cream.

There are more types of coffee but these are the basics.
However, if you order for a cappuccino after a meal, you are going to do it wrong. Why? In Italy, people consider milk should be taken in the morning, not after meals with a full stomach. So, if you are going to order a coffee, you should not order a cappuccino, latte macchiato or similar, just a coffee (espresso) or a macchiato.

-Sorry for my english, hope you like this post-

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7 years
Violeta Very good
7 years
7 years
Lucia5 Good
7 years
7 years
TammyWhite Welcome to tuetego community.
First of all read community rules about what you can post and what you can't if you don't want your account deleted.
Here is only allowed your ORIGINAL photography, selftaken.
Spamming money apps are not allowed as Internet photos.
Again welcome to tuetego
7 years
7 years
Bunkazai @TammyWhite these photos are mine, in particular, four latte macchiato in differents places
7 years
7 years
TammyWhite @Bunkazai it is only a message to all new people, with reverse image de know that yours are original, don't worry. I didn't want to say other thing.
7 years
7 years
soncee Lovely
7 years