By GinaEastabrooks
7 years ago

10 Healthiest Human Food For Dogs

Although it is a fact that dogs should always maintain a diet governed by pet food, it is also true that there are situations in which humans can not contain ourselves and end up giving them one or another human "prize" so that they know what it really is good. A piece of meat fresh from the grill, to say the least, is the perfect example. If we enjoy it so much, why deprive our best friend of such delight? Well, the truth is that, feeding occasionally with some meals for humans to our dogs does not have problems. Now, it is always necessary to know exactly which foods they can consume and which ones they can not.

1. Yogurt

It is high in protein and calcium. Natural yogurt is ideal for dogs, especially if they suffer from digestive problems. Be sure, however, to choose those that do not contain sugar or artificial sweeteners.

2. Oatmeal

It is an excellent source of fiber that helps dogs with colon problems and is also ideal for those who have allergies to seeds. You can give it to her, but first try to cook it and not add sugar.

3. Chicken

If your dog needs an extra protein, chicken cooked and without condiments is an excellent food that you can give to complement your usual meal. And you can even replace it if it's over.

4. Salmon

The omega 3 present in salmon benefits practically all animals. That's why, cooked, you can replace your regular food.

5. Broccoli.

It is high in vitamin and a vegetable that usually give a "injection" food to dogs. However, be careful with the dose. It should not exceed 10 percent in your pet's diet because in higher amounts it can generate gastrointestinal irritation.

6. Eggs

Always make sure they are completely cooked and you can give them one or another from time to time. Eggs are high in protein, but also in fat, so you should take care of the dose and, again, ensure that they are cooked.

7. Green beans.

Nutritious and low in calories, green beans are an excellent choice that will give your dog a load of iron and vitamins. Make sure they are fresh and have no salt, and you can give without problem. But beware, do not confuse green beans with other types of beans, as they are the only ones that do not cause gastrointestinal infections in delicate stomachs like dogs. If you want to make sure completely, cook them before giving them to them (or your family).

8. Carrots.

It is a vegetable low in calories and high in fiber and vitamins. In addition, chewing them will strengthen your dog's teeth.

9. Pumpkin.

You can serve it as it is a great source of vitamins. In addition, it contributes to the improvement of digestive problems.

10. Cheese

According to MNN, cheese in low amounts can be an excellent source of calcium and proteins for pets. As long as your dog is not lactose intolerant, (which is rare in dogs, but not impossible) you can give it to him from time to time. Try to choose the options with less fat, such as mozzarella.
7 years
rmtm198 smiling face
7 years
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Lucia5 Nicee
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Violeta Great
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Jean Beautiful lebron
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MegyBella Very useful
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Justin Smileeee
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AnceAne Very helpful, Thank you Gina ?
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carmen3521 Great
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mila7272 Beautiful
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Ravidxb superb
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soncee Nice
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Shavkat Nice article
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