By TammyWhite
7 years ago


Under this headline, Faro de Vigo published a report about Xabela, my little daughter friend, and his book "Lili" on May 30th.

Our lovely Xabela lost her vision a year ago but she took the courage to go back to school and finish the course with outstanding and full of illusions.

She smiles with all her face, illuminating those around her, I know this in first person, and begins to proudly type her braille machine at full speed.
It shows his skillful handling while it looks, flirtatious, some cheerful nails of colors. "At the beginning it's a bit complicated, but then you get the trap," she explains naturally.
The brave Xabela has rebuilt her life in just one year to the amazement and, above all, the pride of her parents and teachers. Her story is a whole lesson in life.

Her eyes stopped showing her the world irreversibly on July 11, 2016 after an operation of more than 8 hours during which she removed a benign tumor that pressed the optic nerve.
She was only 7 years old and spent much of the summer in the hospital "hoping to see again." Her illusion was not fulfilled, but in September she returned to the CEIP Illas Cíes and, with the support of a professor from ONCE, finished the course with a file in which there are only outstanding.
Not even the radiotherapy treatment made her skip a class, it was only missing on Wednesdays to go to the ONCE center in Pontevedra.

Xabela devised and translated into Braille the story of Lili, the girl protagonist of a beautiful book illustrated in relief, in whose development students and parents like me had participated.
The story, in Galician, begins when Lili drops a tooth and, in each chapter, the protagonist appears in different scenes: in bed with the tooth fairy, shopping or cooking.
In addition to the Xabela sample, another was made to deliver it to ONCE.

7 years
mila7272 good article
7 years
7 years
soncee Very good
7 years
7 years
AnceAne Very nice
7 years
7 years
MegyBella Such a sad but beautiful story. Xabela is amazing brave girl. I wish for her the best of luck in her life?
7 years
7 years
Ravidxb very good
7 years
7 years
Laboresmely Precioso
7 years