By Violeta
7 years ago

Serbian biochemist breaks myths about healthy foods and drugs against cancerOn his blog, the Serbian biochemist Prof. Dr. Zoran

Serbian biochemist breaks myths about healthy foods and drugs against cancerOn his blog, the Serbian biochemist Prof. Dr. Zoran Vujcic unmask all healthy food and "miraculous" medications against Biljana Ilic's handwriting - 09/06/2017019516 How many times are you Have you heard about these 4 rules that you need to respect if you want to be healthy? Do not eat red meat, it's carcinogenic2. Eat only raw food3. Use B17 Against Cancer4. Vaccines are dangerousProfessor dr Zoran Vujcic Full Professor at the Faculty of Chemistry in Belgrade has his own blog that he opened to break myths about medicinal products, "epochal" discoveries, all dilemmas about proper diet, "miracle-working" drugs, healthy and harmful habits. There, he grips with all those unorganized and inaccurate information that has appeared in the media and on social networks for years. The idea to write on this topic is obtained from the interaction with his students who, as he said, missed that, for example, the yellow crude is greeting from white, that the absorbent milk can turn into sulfuric acid, which petroleum can cure cancer. However, the main reason was the horse shampoo, which began to be sold as a marvelous shampoo from which the hair would grow on the hands. His wife then told him that he should write something about people not to believe in those nonsense. That's how the idea for his blog was born, although, as he says, Facebook is even more effective in real fight against various martyrs who sell B17, petroleum, suspicious capsules of everything and against cancer, diabetes and other health problems. Zoran Vujcic, there is no healthy diet, but it can only be more or less unhealthy. As he says, we all want quality, but nobody wants to pay. The hen flowing through the yard and the key must cost 3 times more than the degenerated hybrids whose meat is like eating a paper pulp. Also, Vujovic believes that raw food is not healthy for many reasons, primarily because of manipulations and transportation under exclusively non-hygienic conditions. Imagine, he says, when you buy from those chickens nuts that were already raising up on the market racks, or you bought vegetables on which a layer is pulled along a layer somewhat expensive on the scales. Now, he says, imagine getting them out and making trouble that you give your child to drink as a healthy drink. It's known what can be eaten raw (for example, bananas, but low spinach). By breeding many nutrients become available, and many pathogenic bacteria are killed. The meat is nothing healthier or unhealthy than the vegetables. The meat is full of hormones, and antineotics and possible mycotoxins. Vegetables are significantly richer with mycotoxins, heavy metals, herbicides and pesticides. Just as we are and we fill them with all those chemicals. Red meat says it's harmful if it's the only food. Exaggeration is the key to generating most problems. Meat processing is industrial food with additives, unnecessary additives, palm oil, stabilizers, thickeners, artificial colors and the like. Certainly it's not all carcinogenic, but some substances are simple. Here's what's common about raw spinach (and cooked but to a lesser extent) and saunas, pork shakes and pates - sodium nitrite. Is it carcinogen? No doubt. Everything is always in the dose, and the more it is infused, the risk is greater. According to him, cancer is a disease with many faces. And there are many ways of occurring. From chemical agents, for example, cigarette smoke as a sum of all the forest of compounds, to many food supplements and risky compounds in water and beverages. There are also oncovers, piranhas and a thousand other risks. The essence is in the faded cells that multiply without control. So that orgasm lost the control and removal properties. It has nothing to do with the hobby bazaar for bases and sour groceries. According to him, there are no regimes that introduce some nutritionists to regulate pH, knowingly maim patients. Let's not forget the following factors, as well as cigarettes during pregnancy, he says. As for anti-cancer preparations, dr Vujovic says: B17 is a toxic glycoside, in which pharmacies earn thousands of euros. Basically, he says on his blog, no official and documented case of cancer treatment has been reported, so they invented the Hunz and the sheep around the world have appeared. I would say that there are 300 million Huns as much as there are products on the market. Soda baking soda is great for soothing acids and cleaning the dentures. And there is no pharmaceutical soda without aluminum. There was never a soda in the soda. There were in some old versions of pastries, but no longer. Petroleum is a petroleum fuel, poison to humans. One of my colleague bloggers drink petroleum because it was in the terminal phase of cancer
7 years
Ravidxb Good one
7 years
7 years
soncee Beautiful artikle
7 years
7 years
7 years
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rmtm198 good posting
7 years
7 years
mila7272 Good
7 years
7 years
MegyBella Interesting
7 years
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7 years
AnceAne Great post
7 years
7 years
GRANNY2017 these days its hard to really know what ingredients in things are really good for you and which ingredients bring you harm
7 years