By lacho59
7 years ago

The Gull - The City's Flying Dog

The grub is a omnivorous animal. A hungry gull can sneak the piece of pizza from someone's hands or from the terrace. Not to mention forgotten on tables, benches or baked pots, snacks. These are big and aggressive birds - there are cases in which even rats are lurking in the evening. so even the rats are not protected from their aggression. The bugs are the stray dogs of the big city. So that the availability of food and convenient nesting places are the "criteria" of the gulls. They are birds that can fly up to 250-300 kilometers when looking for food. The wings of the wings are about 70-80 centimeters. They weigh up to a pound most often. They have a characteristic powerful beak. All of these are attributes that enable survival by adapting to a suitable environment. They live an average of 35-36 years, and some specimens are alive until the age of 40. A pet from the chorus does not happen. This bird can not be tamed in any way. The birds of prey are the most vulnerable birds of native birds, which are much more intelligent than gulls. There is no problem on a roof to coexist different bird species. But for all other species in the neighborhood of gulli, this cohabitation is risky. The aggressive and mischievous behavior of the gorillas has given rise to the definition of "grudge" of some men who are brazen and cheeky in their behavior towards the gentle sex. - used information

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#lacho59photos #original #gulls #birds #animals #macro
7 years
carmen3521 Good post
7 years
7 years
Melsdename Great article
7 years
7 years
MegyBella Very interesting article. Thanks?
7 years
7 years
7 years
7 years
soncee Very nice
7 years
7 years
Violeta Great
7 years
7 years
7 years
7 years
olavn54 Beautiful artikle
7 years